The Oboe BBoard
Author: Chris P
Date: 2019-01-06 19:17
With the thumbplate held down you can use conservatoire system fingerings as seen in any fingering chart.
On these oboes, you'll most likely have to do a low B-C# slur or trill by holding down the low B key and trilling with the RH C# key provided it's fitted with a low B-C link where the low B key will close the low C key with it (if fitted and correctly adjusted).
For an Ab-Bb (G#-A#) trill, play Ab (G#) and trill with the upper side key - the lower one is the G-Ab trill key. That same upper side key also gives you an excellent altissimo F# when used along with the altissimo F fingering (just like the side Bb key does on saxes when using the front F fingering).
You do have the choice of which Bb and C you use - either use the conservatoire fingerings or you'll most likely find the thumbplate fingering for C (thumb off thumbplate xoo|ooo) in the lower register has a better, fuller tone compared to the conservatoire fingering (xoo|xoo).
If you do find the conservatoire fingering for Bb unstable, that's because these oboes have an open standing forked F vent.
Former oboe finisher
Howarth of London
1998 - 2010
The opinions I express are my own.
clarimad |
2019-01-06 00:37 |
Barry Vincent |
2019-01-06 07:43 |
Re: B&H Imperial Oboe new |
Chris P |
2019-01-06 19:17 |
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