Author: Bill_D
Date: 2004-07-17 20:15
I've been using a software tuner, developed by Tatsuaki Kuroda, for several years. It has a tuning meter with "needle", shows the frequency spectrum, e.g., amplitude and pitch of a note`s fundamental and harmonics. It even shows the fingering of the note being played (auto mode), and you can manually step thru the notes to see the fingering for a note (good for beginners).
I started playing oboe a couple of months ago. The tuner had fingerings for flutes, saxes, recorder, clarinet, ocarina, etc., but no oboe. I asked Tatsuaki Kuroda san if he could add one. He graciously agreed to add an oboe, and it's now ready in version 2.52.
The URL for reading about, and downloading (free) the tuner is given below. There`s also a metronome, and tuning fork.