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 Treble clef transposition bass clarinet for El Salon Mexico
Author: dave4cal 
Date:   2024-02-04 08:45

Is there a transposed bass clarinet part available for El Salon Mexico by Copland? The original is mostly in bass clef, and I am not going to be able to pull that off. Before I spend a bunch of time putting it into Finale and then transposing it, I was hoping someone has already done that!

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 Re: Treble clef transposition bass clarinet for El Salon Mexico
Author: Djudy 
Date:   2024-02-04 18:46

When I need a quick transposition I use the android app Notate Me Now and it's purchased add-on PhotoScore Now on my Samsung tablet : you photo the pages of the source score and import the interpreted images into the editing function, correct any mis-readings (original and photo need to be very clean), choose your transposition preference and instrument and play it back with the original score to find any errors (by ear) before deleating the source line. The score exports in the app format, pdf or image file. A lot less work than re-entering the score by hand. Only thing I haven't managed well is getting the transposed score to fit into the same number of pages as the original, seems to not fill up the page as much. Otherwise a very useful tool. While I have not had to deal with your exact problem I would bet you could find a work-around by chosing a target instrument that scores in the treble staff.

Post Edited (2024-02-04 18:50)

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 Re: Treble clef transposition bass clarinet for El Salon Mexico
Author: MusikFind1 
Date:   2024-02-04 21:15

No transposition yet posted on the MOLA site.
There is this correction to be made.
bass clarinet Reh. 24 meas.3 beat 1
missing 1/4 rest

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 Re: Treble clef transposition bass clarinet for El Salon Mexico
Author: dave4cal 
Date:   2024-02-20 02:40

I did it in Finale, using SmartScore to scan. Was just hoping it had already been done!

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 Re: Treble clef transposition bass clarinet for El Salon Mexico
Author: dave4cal 
Date:   2024-02-20 02:42

Thanks! My copy had the rest included!

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 Re: Treble clef transposition bass clarinet for El Salon Mexico
Author: dannys 
Date:   2025-03-06 02:25

Dave, would you be willing to share your transposition? My community orchestra is playing this soon and our bass clarinetist doesn't read bass clef.

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 Re: Treble clef transposition bass clarinet for El Salon Mexico
Author: symphony1010 
Date:   2025-03-06 11:57

In the long term bass players must learn to read bass clef.

A good place to start is with the Weissenborn bassoon studies. These can be found on IMSLP here https://imslp.org/wiki/Bassoon_Studies,_Op.8_(Weissenborn,_Julius)

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