The Clarinet BBoard
Author: Jody
Date: 2022-06-25 23:11
I just bought a 1956 Selmer Cener Tone eflat with an *HS mouthpiece. When I play the clarion register, it sounds like I’m already at the altissimo register of the eflat. I’m new to the eflat, but I’ve played bflat for several years. Mind you, I bought and returned a student eflat because I new I would want a better tone. I could play all three registers on that clarinet without difficulty. I have used a different mouthpiece, ligature, and reed. But the problem still persists. I’m guessing it is me, but might be my clarinet. What should I check on myself, as well as the instrument to determine my problem. The tone of the instrument is beautiful when I get the notes out. This was a completely refurbished instrument, new pads, new corks. Thank you for your help.
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Author: Hunter_100
Date: 2022-06-25 23:37
There is probably a leak in one of the higher up pads. Those leaks will trip you up unto the higher partials. Or your toungue is not in the right spot causing the jump up. Relax your toungue a little and see if it works better. A cheaper e-flat that you tried may not have been so sensitive to jumping up to the higher notes.
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Author: Jody
Date: 2022-06-26 00:23
I kept playing with it. I tried a snipped off #2 b flat read. I started with a 3. I have to hold my mouth with a much lighter lip and that did it. I tend to hold my mouth too tight on a b flat clarinet. The results were more extreme on the eflat. It all helped!
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Author: Hunter_100
Date: 2022-06-26 19:24
Everything on the Eb is amplified. All the embouchure, finger, and tounge mistakes will be much more apparent since the instrument reacts so easily.
What kind of playing you are going to use Eb for? Are you planning on doubling with the Bb? If so, perhaps think about how to get similar embouchure feeling for both so it won't be a shock switching back and forth.
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