The Clarinet BBoard
Author: Wayne Thompson
Date: 2015-05-25 04:41
Hi all,
3 weeks ago I fell on my face off a bicycle. My upper lip was crushed and torn perhaps 3/8 of an inch. The emergency room Dr. seemed to do a good job; I got 10 stitches. He said that he saw no indication of torn muscle fibers.
The wound is well healed. When I play, I leak at that location, and the lump of scar tissue feels like an interference. I have no reason to believe that the muscle is affected.
Do any of you have experience with this?
I wonder if I will simply accomodate.
I wonder if massage or stretching of the scar will help soften it.
I hope to get an appointment with a physician I know that is also a clarinetist of similar experience to me.
I haven't found any other threads exactly like this; if you know of any, please let me know.
Wayne Thompson
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Author: j8649
Date: 2015-05-25 05:50
Hi Wayne,
I had a similar lip accident 15 years ago when I fell and hit a table. The lump in my lip was bothersome to playing for a couple of weeks, but then it softened up. Now, I can still feel a bit of the scar tissue, but it does not affect my playing. Good luck!
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Author: marcia
Date: 2015-05-25 07:21
I came off my bike a few years ago, scraped my face badly, and gouged my bottom lip. The emerg Doc said when he stitched it up that it came together very well. And also said he did not see any indication of muscle involvement. Part of my lip was numb and I developed a lump. My dentist sent me to an oral surgeon who advised me to massage the lump several times a day and eventually the lump disappeared. Fortunately my playing was not adversely affected, apart from having to stop playing for a short time. Some of the sensation returned to my lip, but a small area of it still feels a bit different. But it could have been so much worse!
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Author: Wayne Thompson
Date: 2015-05-26 04:24
Thanks, Marcia and Julie. You've given me some reassurance! I'll post again to this thread in a few weeks or months and say what happened.
Post Edited (2015-05-26 23:10)
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Author: Wayne Thompson
Date: 2015-06-19 23:47
So, the clarinet playing Doctor saw no problem. She predicts what Julie and Marcia experienced. The lump will soften and I will notice it less and less. Already, I think that I'm not aware of it at all; I'm mostly aware that my chops in general are really out of shape. I've taken too much time off!!!
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