The Clarinet BBoard
Author: CarlT
Date: 2015-01-22 21:34
I live in small town Athens, Tennessee, located almost exactly between Knoxville and Chattanooga. Do any of you know of a good teacher who is located between these two cities?
I'd be willing to travel to either of these, but the closer to my home would be even better (I-75 between the two is 2 miles from home).
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Author: WhitePlainsDave
Date: 2015-01-22 21:46
Don't know...but don't discount people like Mr. Blumberg on this board who teaches clarinet not only in his I believe Philly suburb locale, but remotely via technology like (I believe) Skype.
(I have no affiliation with Mr. Blumberg. I do know I'd rather have a solid teacher remotely, than a so-so one on site.)
Post Edited (2015-01-22 21:47)
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Author: MSK
Date: 2015-01-23 03:44
I took lessons from Martha Anderson Damiano in Oak Ridge when I was a teen. She was a great teacher, but perhaps a longer drive than you have in mind.
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Author: CarlT
Date: 2015-01-23 04:09
MSK: Yes, Oak Ridge is a bit too far for me. I wish I were closer.
Dave: Yes, I have been considering just that with Mr. Blumberg. His credentials are impeccable for sure.
A small problem of mine is that although I'm a retired engineer, I haven't kept up with technology, and I'm going to have to learn to SKYPE. I need to get the right setup (camera, mike, etc) for that, but yes, that's a very good idea for one who lives in a rural locale. I believe it would not fully replace a conventional lesson, but the good would far outweigh the bad imo. I need to "just do it" as NIKE say, with regards to the technology.
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Author: clarinetist04
Date: 2015-01-23 06:13
Contact your local high school and ask for recommendations from the music department - they'll know who's local. My high school director (many years ago) had a list of local teachers for his wind ensemble students and anyone else who might come inquiring.
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Author: kdk
Date: 2015-01-23 06:40
Can you get in touch with anyone in the the Chatanooga Symphony business office who could put you in touch with one of the clarinetists in the orchestra. They all most likely teach in the area, If none of them can schedule you, they could recommend students of theirs who might be helpful.
There are three players on their roster, the third listed as the bass clarinet (I assume she also plays soprano when needed and there's no bass part). They're listed at
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Author: Ken Shaw ★2017
Date: 2015-01-23 18:15
If you can get to Chattanooga, call up Jay Craven. He's been at it forever. (I studied with him in the 1950s.) He's now in his 80s and still outplays everybody in town.
Ken Shaw
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Author: CarlT
Date: 2015-01-24 01:22
Thanks, all. Each had some good ideas. I will follow through with each suggestion.
David, I will look into what all it takes to do it online, as I will go to Chattanooga if I must, but I also like the idea of sitting in my own house and having a lesson. As I said, I just need to get comfortable with the technology first, and I know that shouldn't be too hard.
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Author: DavidBlumberg
Date: 2015-01-24 01:27
It is very easy - if you have a webcam, install skype, and the microphone setup is nothing.
In person is a different dynamic, but skype can get a lot done, and I've diagnosed/corrected playing issues with teachers who did not fix with in person teachers, including some very well known ones.
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