The Clarinet BBoard
Author: llamaboy12
Date: 2009-07-05 21:08
hello everyone. as i am making the transition from high school to college on my trusty selmer signature, i have found that the awkwardness (as far as finger positions) i had on my previous buffet has intensified on my signature. maybe this is because the keys are raised higher on the sig. but also, i do admit that i have trouble with my right hand and keeping it in the correct position. i know one of the causes of my bad finger positions is the extra weight of a sig., and it is still heavy with a neckstrap. what suggestions,exersizes,ect. do you reccommend to improve the awkwardness of my fingers so that i can attain better technique and finesse?
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Author: Ken Shaw ★2017
Date: 2009-07-05 22:23
The easy solution is to rest the bell on your knee. Some teachers say not to do it, but if Marcellus could clamp the bell between his knees, so can you.
Beyond that, I think you need to take a lesson or two with someone who can watch your hands and fingers and show you how to relax and put them in the correct position. If you don't have a current teacher, take a lesson from a clarinetist (or oboist, for that matter) in the Louisiana Philharmonic, who will certainly know about therapists.
Relocating the thumb rest so that your hands fall naturally on the holes and keys may be all you need. In order of increasing expense, you can get a Kooiman thumb rest or get a Fhred stand that holds the entire weight of the instrument.
Good luck.
Ken Shaw
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Author: Katrina
Date: 2009-07-05 23:45
I have right hand issues myself, and know first-hand that if you have a specific double-joint in your thumb, you will have difficulty. Ken's advice is right on the money. (It usually is!)
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Author: Ed Palanker
Date: 2009-07-06 01:43
I play the Signature Bb too, Buffet A though, and you're right about the weight but I love it that way. The problem may very well be your hand position and that does need correcting. I keep my thumb rest as low as possible, as a matter of fact, I even had my tech put in a longer rod in the thumb rest so I could extend it even longer. That way my right hand is closer to the E,F and F# keys so I don't have to stretch so much. But I already do the same thing on my set of Buffets. It depends on your hand and finger size. You could experiment with this by lowering it as far as it will go, even attach a piece of plastic tubing to it to make it a bit longer and see if that helps. It's always a good idea to take lessons with an accomplished player-teacher. ESP
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