The Clarinet BBoard
Author: fuzzystradjazz
Date: 2009-07-20 06:49
I've found this question one time in the forums years ago. However, I don't believe it was ever answered, and I thought it was perhaps worth asking again in case information has surfaced in the last seven years.
Does anyone know if Eberhard Kraut is still alive? Does anyone know how a person could contact him? He serves as the definitive source of information about the type of clarinets I am interested in/collect, and I would love to send him some information/photos and ask him some questions. However, I have been unable to find much data about him. I find many articles he has written, and many people who quote him in their research, but I haven't been able to find any contact information.
If anyone knows of Eberhard Kraut, or if he happens to frequent the forums, I would appreciate any helpful info anyone could provide.
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Author: susieray
Date: 2009-07-20 14:32
Yes he is still very much alive and I have his email address, if you contact me I will send it to you.
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Author: fuzzystradjazz
Date: 2009-07-21 02:51
Hi Ned,
Thanks for the link. I've been there before (it's a great page that I frequent from time to time). Are you into metal clarinets? 13 key? 15 key? Rings?
I'm just getting started in the simple system/albert system style, and I really love it so far (only been at it for about a month...but there are some things that just seem more intuitive for me - even after playing boehm for nearly thirty years.)
I'm still looking for a really good quality instrument. I've overhauled three or four to replace the loaner I'm using, but there is always some big issue or another (cracks, tone on the open G, G#, A, Ab, soft metal keys that won't stay straight....etc).
I should probably avoid dereailing my own post, but I'd be happy to correspond with you via e-mail about albert systems. fuzzy at wyosnooks dotcom.
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Author: ned
Date: 2009-07-21 23:33
As this is an open BB, perhaps others would be interested in some of our Albert musings?
Currently I play a Buffet (14 keys, 4 rings, circa 1918). I don't own a digital camera so I'm unable to post photographs and I'll need to go through my small collection and make notes about the others.
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Author: fuzzystradjazz
Date: 2009-07-22 06:02
Sure - we can discuss in the public arena...not sure if I have enough questions to post a new topic yet, but I'm sure they will come! 
Have you ever played an early Conn (1898-1910) Albert? I've seen quite a few on-line, but most have been non-Bb...but I've been leaning in the direction of a Conn. (I have an early Conn on loan, and I like the feel of it compared to the numerous no-name French clarinets I've received from various auctions). I'm curious as to how a Conn compares to a Buffet.
I'm looking for two clarinets right now...a good solid wood Albert/Simple System clarinet (hopefully with thirteen keys)...and then I'm looking for a solid metal/alternate material 13 key to play outdoors year-round. So far, my luck has been pretty poor; but I'm out there lookin' hard!
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