The Clarinet BBoard
Author: Van
Date: 2006-02-20 00:57
I just bought a used Charles Bay mouthpiece and am much enjoying the improvement in tone, articulation and dynamics it is producing for me. On the side of the MP there are what appears to be hand incised lettering: Mo-L, H1, ‘02/330. I know from searching this Board what the Mo-L means but what do the rest of these symbols mean? Do they have any implications for the strength of reed or placement of the reed on the MP that I should know about? Thanks for any input.
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Author: Shorthand
Date: 2006-02-20 03:37
Lots of information here:
The H1 is the model - the design. The MO-L is the facing as you have discovered, (1.35mm tip, 18 mm facing). I'm pretty sure the last is the serial number - I'm guessing the 330th made in 2002. I have no idea if its the 330th mouthpiece made or the 330th Bb mothpiece or the 330th H1.
I have a Bay bass mouthpiece whose serial number is just U949. (There is only one Bay bass clarinet mouthpiece design AFAIK.)
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Author: Bnewbs
Date: 2006-02-20 04:21
H1 is the Kaspar type. H2 is a Chedeville type and the H3 is a hybrid of the two.
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Author: donald
Date: 2006-02-20 06:50
a 1.35mm mouthpiece opening isn't "medium open"... it's huge- does the "M" stand for "Mamouth"??????
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Author: Shorthand
Date: 2006-02-20 06:55
Welcome to the strange world of Bay mouthpieces. The O-L has a 1.45 tip according to the reference site.
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Author: cigleris
Date: 2006-02-20 11:34
I bought a Bay for my Basset Clarinet, it's medium open, it also has London written on the other side, perhaps because i bought it in Howarths London. The basset notes with this mouthpiece sound brilliant, it was a good investment i'd say.
Peter Cigleris
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