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 overhaul problem
Author: michael 
Date:   2003-10-23 16:08

I have been playing the b flat clarinet for 4+ years, had stopped for 30 years and recently picked up the instrument. I had the clarinet overhauled with new pads etc...only the springs were not changed. My problem is that I feel my progress is being impeded by the instrument..As much as i enjoy playing, i am frustrated by the fact that some of the keys are not silenced & the notes corresponding to them are a problem if played in a certain sequence. I dont believe i ever had this issue before.

Specifically, going from a Csharp to a B in the lower register change is extermely difficult , while going from a Cnatural to the same B is not. It is almost as if more pressure is needed on the key for the pad to properly cover the hole (key fingered with left pinky (B). I dont want to bend the key. I use a selmer hs* mouthpiece and my clarinet is LA CRoix. ANY SUGGESTIONS? Is it woeth retuning the instrument to the same technician???

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 overhaul problem  
michael 2003-10-23 16:08 
 Re: overhaul problem  new
Simon 2003-10-23 22:27 

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