The Fingering Forum
Author: eric
Date: 2002-02-01 13:36
I'd just like to know if Theobald Boehm who invented the
metal flute in 1847 is the same person references in the
Boehm-system clarinet. Thanks.
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Author: Dee
Date: 2002-02-01 19:40
Yes he is. HOWEVER, it was Klose and Buffet working together who adapted the Boehm system for the clarinet. Boehm himself was not involved in adapting it for the clarinet.
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Author: Eoin
Date: 2002-02-02 10:28
Just to add to what Dee said, Klose and Buffet were inspired by the simplicity of the Boehm-system flute to produce a clarinet with a simple fingering system which was different from anything before. They named it "Boehm System" in honour of the man and his flute.
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Author: Jack
Date: 2002-02-07 00:01
Do you know where I can get a fingering chart that list the extra keys for Bflat clarinet: articulated C#-G# and fork Eflat-Bflat and some fingering exercises to learn how to play these special keys?
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Author: Diana
Date: 2002-05-24 16:02
I think that is the matter.What do you know about him?I need information about him because I have to do a classwork.Can you told things about him?Thanks Eric
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