The Fingering Forum
Author: liverlipsyyz
Date: 2007-12-28 14:35
i am a self taught flute player and have also dabbled with a tin flute. i just picked up a soprano recorder to mess around with. i am finding a few things difficult. one is the F fingering. i find the split fingering tough to get the hang of. also, i don't really hear any difference in fingering an F with the first four fingers (plus thumb) or the way the fingering chart says to do it. am i missing something or is it a suttle difference? my other question is fingering the high E. the chart says to half cover the thumb hole but i seem to be able to get the exact same note by not covering the thumb hole at all and just playing like i would play the flute (just playing a higher note with the same fingering). again, am i missing something here?
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Author: tictactux ★2017
Date: 2007-12-29 15:25
What recorder is it then? I've seen some (cheapos) that were horribly out of tune with themselves, and then there are the baroque vs German fingerings, and the differences in pitch can be subtle with the wrong fingering.
Some recorders overblow really easy (ie just a bit of ff and pop! one lands an octave higher), and the size of the ocave hole (ie the half-holing thumb) doesn't necessarily make a huge difference.
So, knowing about make and model might help us.
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Author: liverlipsyyz
Date: 2007-12-31 14:05
hi, it's just a cheapo plastic yamaha baroque. i can easily get up an octive without a half hole on the thumb. should i still use a half hole?
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Author: tictactux ★2017
Date: 2008-01-05 21:56
As I said, some recorders overblow really easy. But as not to learn things the wrong way, try half-holing. Who knows, one day you pick up a different one (or maybe an Alto) where it does make a difference...
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Author: Gnomon
Date: 2008-01-21 07:23
The E is a particular note that can be overblown easily, but you will get a better tone if you pinch the thumb hole. For the higher notes, it is more important to pinch the hole correctly - for the highest ones it is virtually impossible to play the note unless it is pinched correctly.
The F is a different matter. The fingering T 123 4--- will produce a completely different pitch from T 123 4-67. If you can't hear the difference between these two notes, then it is likely that your sense of pitch is not well enough developed to be able to play or enjoy good music. There are basic musicianship classes which will serve to improve your sense of pitch. You could join a choir and ask the choir master for special lessons in singing in tune.
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