The Fingering Forum
Author: Steve
Date: 2005-12-23 00:43
It's quite a dissapointment that the oboe can't produce Low A. I just realized how much I need it while practicing the 'Oboe d'amore' by Bach. It has been re-written for the oboe, but still has problems. There are two low As. I really want to make it out. Does anybody have a great idea? Should I make an hole anywhere? -_-; or buy a d'amore-_-;?
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Author: TorusTubarius
Date: 2005-12-23 02:55
Actually they do make special low-A oboes. Alex Klein for example plays on one, and if you listen to his solo album where he performs arrangements of Bach and Telemann solo violin pieces, you hear him use it extensively.
I wouldn't recommend "making holes" in your oboe so much...
And if you're looking to buy either a low-A oboe or an oboe d'amore I would be prepared to shell out some major cash.
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Author: oboe of love
Date: 2005-12-24 02:10
you can't add an extra hole to a regular oboe because to play the low bflat the air is already traveling the entire length of the oboe... in other words, when bflat sounds, the air is coming out of the bell of the oboe. the low bflat "tone hole" is the oboe bell. to make a regular oboe play an A you would have to make it longer. just for fun, try playing low bflat but insert a rolled-up sheet of paper into your oboe bell to make it longer so A will sound.
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Author: hautbois
Date: 2005-12-26 13:32
I recently seen this neat gadget attached before the bell to enable an english horn to produce low Bb. Maybe there is something like that made for the oboe?
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Author: hautbois
Date: 2005-12-26 17:36
Torus havent seen u at the oboe board for quite some time?
Come here more often! We are cathing pace over there. See ya.
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Author: Linnea
Date: 2006-01-22 13:53
The other option is stick a paper tube roll or TP roll to extend it. I've done it on EH before.
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Author: ReedMan
Date: 2006-01-24 11:27
I would say go with the rolled up piece of music, but remember low Bb is useless.....Bassoons have this prob too.....So we get our friends the percussionists to help out.
They are good at something
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Author: Barbara
Date: 2006-01-28 03:41
I stumbled onto this discussion. I have a very nice oboe d'amore which I now have to sell because I have a major repair to my home which I have to make. I will sell this instrument for a very reasonable price and it will include 2 bocals, several reeds, case and cover in excellent condition, etc. The instrument is a Patricola and is in flawless condition. It has hardly been played. This is a sacrifice for me! If anybody is interested, please e-mail me!
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