The Fingering Forum
Author: Ellie
Date: 2001-04-09 01:52
Has anyne heard of the del rio sax? it's basically a piece of junk- an alto sax mouthpiece connected to a PVC pipe by a piece of copper tubing, with 6 holes drilled on the front and one in the back. It's popular with street musicians,since it costs about 20-30 bucks to make. Even though it is a piece of junk, it intrigues me. Where might I find fingerings? Right now, i can play any note in a full Bb octave by bending notes and opening/closing holes progressively for each note, but how would I create different ones? (Besides just squeaking it!) I'd look for them online, but since it's such an uncommon instrument, and not really considered worthwhile, I doubt I'd find anything. So I'm just asking now...
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Author: tom jomes
Date: 2001-07-04 01:05
for it being a piece of junk that you say it is you are sure interested in learning how to use it. I would say you have a serious attiude problem. You should seek help for that first then learn how to play a instrument.
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Author: Tim Wilkins
Date: 2001-08-27 23:45
I'm sure you figured it out by now, but I just picked up one of this from the maker (Juan Del Rio, 806 South PCH #8-159, REdondo Beach, CA 90277) on Venice Beach, and was very impressed with its natural sound, for a hunk of pipe. Anyway, according to him the "official" fingering is a major scale straight up the pipe, opening up the thumb hole last. He recommends half-fingering for steps between the scale, but I'll experiment and let you know if I find anything out. How could one add an octave key to this thing? Good luck
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Author: Steve Crawford Redondo Beach,
Date: 2002-02-03 03:13
I really like my Del Rio. I had seen Juan playing his at the street fair in Hermosa for a few years, and I finally broke down and bought one. I always wanted to play a sax, but couldn't afford one, and besides, I thought I could never get the reed thing figured out. I figured this would be a good in'between step. QUESTION: How can I play "Summertime" on it?? I wish I could have a wider range...Now that I finnaly learned the reed, I guess I should go out and by a full size saxx. --S.C. Redondo Beach
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Author: stephanie
Date: 2004-07-26 03:18
Hello there.
I'm not a musician but have always been facinated by the sax and I too can not afford to buy a real one so when I saw the del rio at venice beach being played I fell in love!
I've been playing with it, I had to get a 1 1/2 reed because I couldn't get any sound out of the one it came with. I'll work up to it, but anyway having no musical lessons or anything to go on, how come I can get sound out of all the holes but when I try to bottom two the lowest notes all I do is squeek? I sound like a goose! the rest of the notes dont sound like that. Can some one help me and tell me how to do it right??? please I'd appreciate it.
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Author: Mitch
Date: 2005-10-18 17:14
Gotta practice blowing to develop your "chops". . . . it's a challenge!
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