The Fingering Forum
Author: Matthew Santos
Date: 2002-09-12 00:49
i just joined my high school band and i as well just started playing the alto sax. I was wondering if there was a place where i could find a diagram of all the notes and the corrasponding keys to these notes on the alto sax. This would be extremely helpful to me, thank you for your time.
matthew santos
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Author: Gnomon
Date: 2002-09-12 07:18
Yes, you can find it right here at the Woodwind Fingering Guide. Just click on the word Saxophone in the left margin. The Saxophone chart here works for all types of saxophone including Alto.
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Author: Austin
Date: 2005-01-13 05:37
Hi my name is Austin and i am 11 years old and ive been playing the sax for.....3 years but to learn basic notes is to go to your local music store and they can get you the basic things you need to know about playing the alto sax.
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Author: Austin
Date: 2005-01-13 05:38
Hi my name is Austin and i am 11 years old and ive been playing the sax for.....3 years but to learn basic notes is to go to your local music store and they can get you the basic things you need to know about playing the alto sax.
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Author: u don't know me
Date: 2005-10-19 04:41
so yea im some one in waco THE CONNALLY CADETS yea and im in A band and i forgot some note names i think it would help alot better for people if u were 2 put all the notes in order and at the bottom of the notes have the name of them because ine the book it has the charts so yea it would help people alot more so yea
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