The Doublers BBoard
Author: Aubstopper
Date: 2009-06-30 08:25
Ok, so i'm moving to Chicago in the Fall for graduate school and I was hoping to get a little bit of spare change working in various pits in the area.
I can play oboe, english horn, all the saxes, bassoon, clarinet, bass clarinet, flute, piccolo....basically any woodwind in existence.
I own a oboe, english horn, alto sax, bassoon, clarinet, and 2 flutes.
The problem is that I've never actually been to Chicago for an extended amount of time and i have no connections in the community. How does one break into working in pit orchestras? I actually have no idea...I mean, i'm willing to join a union or whatever if that's what it takes but i figured i could make a little dough on the side doing something that i'd basically do for free.
Any advice would be appreciated.
Instruments: Oboe (primary), English Horn, all saxes, Bassoon, Clarinet, Bass Clarinet, Flute, and Piccolo.
Post Edited (2009-06-30 08:26)
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Author: davyd
Date: 2009-06-30 16:30
If you're thinking in terms of the community theater scene, one approach is simply to respond to audition announcements. Explain what your situation is, be prepared to play an etude or something for the music director, and you should be able to get a foothold -- particularly if you play double reeds and other instruments.
Not all community groups pay their musicians, so if that's an issue, you'll need to clarify it up front.
As your budget permits, you should acquire a tenor sax. Oboe & EH books are more likely to require tenor than alto.
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Author: Aubstopper
Date: 2009-07-01 00:53
I've done the community theater thing out here in southern california (currently doing "My Fair Lady" (oboe/eh)...then next month doing "West Side Story" (reed III)) and previously when i was living in Jerusalem because of word of mouth and because i knew someone who knew someone sort of thing. I've never actually been around chicago but i assume there's a lot of opportunities floating around.
Whereabouts does one even begin to look for audition announcements?
Yes, the double reeds are all my primary instruments...and the ones that i've played professionally...Ive played alto and bari on various occasions for various charity fundraisers and the i can do whatever is required of me.
I just figured that I might as well try to get some extra spending money and i might as well do it with something that i'd probably do for free anyway. Obviously, i'm not expecting to get paid at first, but i'm hoping to at least break in and then start going for the paying ones.
would i need to join a union or something?
Instruments: Oboe (primary), English Horn, all saxes, Bassoon, Clarinet, Bass Clarinet, Flute, and Piccolo.
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Author: Jaysne
Date: 2009-07-02 01:14
When I move to a new area, the first thing I do is look in the Sunday newspaper. There's always an "auditions" section in the arts page. I call the people up and ask them to put me in touch with the show's music director.
Once I get a gig and prove myself, I get as many gigs as I can handle. You meet musicians who play with other companies, exchange numbers, and it just snowballs from there.
Another thing you can do is to contact the local colleges and high schools. They often are looking for professionals to fill in the gaps for music that their students can't handle.
Once you meet people, you can ask them about the union.
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Author: concertmaster3
Date: 2009-07-14 23:37
I'll be doing this same thing in a year or so (possibly in Chicago!) when I go out for my Doctorate. But also, look for the websites of theater companies and send them emails/call/visit them in person about getting on their list to play for shows. I've done this, with recordings of me on my website, and have gotten called here in NC doing this. Also, letting your teacher(s) know about your doubling ability as well. My orchestra manager and opera director at the school I did my bachelors and masters work found out I double and got me gigs that way too. (The opera director was upset that he didn't know I doubled when we did West Side Story...but it wouldn't have been much good, I think I was the only person that doubled as much as I did at my school). That's just a start.
Good luck! What school are you going to? and for what?
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Author: Aubstopper
Date: 2009-07-17 17:52
hmm all great advice...i suppose i should start cracking on this asap so i could have a few things lined up...
I'm going to UChicago for an MA in Middle Eastern Studies specializing in Middle Eastern languages.
how about you?
Instruments: Oboe (primary), English Horn, all saxes, Bassoon, Clarinet, Bass Clarinet, Flute, and Piccolo.
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Author: concertmaster3
Date: 2009-09-08 14:11
(sorry it took so long to reply!)
Possibly looking at Northwestern. But thinking about UGA and U Miami for a DMA Multiple Woodwinds.
I've also talked to UCLA, and they're thinking about opening a program for Multiple Woodwinds, and going to talk to USC to see if they're ever thought about it also! When I leave all depends on this orchestra audition this week, if I make it, I'll stick around an extra year, if not, I'm going to start applying next week!
Good luck with school (I'm guessing you've already started).
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