Author: drizzledtoes
Date: 2022-01-16 02:01
Hello Oboists, i would like to know of your opinion of musicality.
I always have this big question of, am i musical? or am i unmusical?
And for the most part, i feel that i am very unmusical
When i am playing a piece, or a solo work, i would try my best to do whatever is written in, dynamics wise, articulation.
But beyond that, i dont know how should i play a particular passage. I find phrasing to be hard to grasp.
Apparently if you are a very musical person, this kind of things are second nature to you, phrasing, direction and how u would play a passage would be natural to you. But to me it isn't. Things like changing color, phrasing is all very confusing to me despite me trying very hard to grasp the concept
Btw: i do have an oboe teacher and i do take oboe lessons regularly. But most of the time, it is my teacher telling me how i should play it, and if my teacher doesn't tell me so, i would sound very unmusical and intuitive practicing a piece on my own.
I really would like to be my own artist, but i find it hard to go beyond the written dynamics, articulations and notes in a score, as i dont know what else to think about, other than intonation, the correct notes, being in time, following the dynamics, correct rhythm, following the articulations.
Please let me know your thoughts if u are kind enough to read this
Thank you so much all of you!