The Oboe BBoard
Author: EaubeauHorn
Date: 2017-05-22 23:58
It seems every reed maker out there is near sea level. A reed that operates perfectly well at sea level will crow flat and be highly resistant at altitude. The higher you go, the worse it gets. I bought a couple of reeds that "looked perfectly fine" and the maker said they crowed a double C (one of my requirements) were stable and not terribly resistant. I had to fiddle with them in a major way and don't think I have the talent to even get them to work; if I scrape enough to get the resistance to where I find it playable, now it is crowing way flat and I have to clip the tip, at which point the resistance goes off the scale again. Is there anything else that can be done? I always thought "flat and resistant" were in the same category as "sharp and weak" and should not have any more time wasted on them.
Examples: I live at 2500 ft altitude. My own teacher, who made stellar reeds, made a couple for me to use at my summer location at 8000 feet. They were impossible to play on, flat and resistant. Perhaps he could have adjusted them, but I suspect that "from the git-go" they would have had to be done differently.
altitude reeds new |
EaubeauHorn |
2017-05-22 23:58 |
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