Author: WoodwindOz
Date: 2014-05-27 18:49
Hi all,
I am currently doing a season of Hansel and Gretel, which I am loving! Opening night was tonight, and it all went well, except that I have suddenly developed issues with water in my second octave vent which I have never had before.
Started at the dress rehearsal, and has continued to tonight, two days later. It doesn't seem to behave like water you might get in the C or Bb keys, where it closes them over with a bubble, but is more like a crack you might hear when a bassoon gets water in its keys (I don't know if this is normal, never had this issue!)
I have swabbed, used the BG pad driers, and sealed the top joint to blow out the tone hole. It always comes back.
My issue is that the next performance is in two days and I can't get to a repairer before then to possibly clean it out (or perform any other preventative measure). I also don't know how to remove the inserts to clean them out, or have a tool to do so.
What would you recommend I try in order to prevent the return of the water? I am probably comfortable enough to take off the octave key itself if need be.