Author: sewerurchin
Date: 2011-10-25 17:12
I would be really grateful if anyone can recommend me a reedmaker. I have been playing oboe for a few years. But the problem is that I bought an oboe and tried to learn how to play myself. I could learn actually, but as you can guess I sounded pretty bad. So I got really discouraged and stopped playing, I only play half an hour or something every two weeks, sometimes I don't even play for months. I thought that better reeds you can recommend might be helpful.
When I started playing only La Voz and Rico reeds were available in the local shops. I went on with La Voz, but now they don't have them anymore. So I ordered Vandoren reeds online, thinking that they might be better as they are expensive, but I can't even make a decent sound out of it, don't know why.
I also don't know anyone else playing oboe around, so I can't get any advice and I can't afford any private tutoring right now, so I have to go on trying myself. If you can recommend any reedmaker that would fit my situation, I can try ordering, if they ship here!
Thank you in advance