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 Selmer Series 9 Question
Author: markcr 
Date:   2012-12-09 17:01

Did Selmer still make the Series 9 in 1976? I was looking at one for sale online and the serial number is Y9381. This would put it in the 1976 era by my research. At that point I thought Selmer had gone to the Series 10 but maybe they still made the Series 9. Any thoughts?

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 Re: Selmer Series 9 Question
Author: Caroline Smale 
Date:   2012-12-09 17:40

I believe production of the series 9 and 10 carried on in parallel for some years

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 Re: Selmer Series 9 Question
Author: Chris P 
Date:   2012-12-09 20:18

My Series 9 Bb is from 1978 (with an A prefix serial number). Series 9/9* serial numbers will have the letter prefix S, T, U, V, W, X, Y, Z and A.

A Series 9 (and 9*) will be instanly identifyable by the very large hexagonal speaker bush if it isn't actually stamped as a Series 9 - the top joints also have metal tipped upper tenons.

The Series 10 has a much smaller diameter and round speaker tube that's hidden beneath the speaker key pad (like a Buffet or Yamaha) and doesn't have the metal tipped upper tenon on the top joint.

How to tell a Series 9* from a Series 9 if they're not stamped as such - the Series 9* has undercut toneholes and the regular Series 9 has far fewer (if any) undercut toneholes. You'll see it better if you look down the top joint bore - the main action toneholes where they meet the bore will appear to be similar diameters in the 9* due to the undercutting, whereas on the regular Series 9 they will all be different diameters.

Former oboe finisher
Howarth of London
1998 - 2010

The opinions I express are my own.

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 Re: Selmer Series 9 Question
Author: saxack 
Date:   2025-03-10 07:11
Attachment:  IMG_2518.jpeg (135k)
Attachment:  IMG_2519.jpeg (155k)

Has anyone ever seen a Selmer Series 9 clarinet barrel with this full logo stamp?
Also, it is stamped 63.5

I’ve only ever seen just a number 9 under the simple round logo.


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