The Clarinet BBoard
Author: ruben
Date: 2024-11-04 10:28
Now that the German brand, Zinner, no longer exists, where do independent American mouthpiece makers get their blanks? I always found the ebonite on Zinners too soft and their blanks to be rather dead; lacking in resonance and harmonics.
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Author: jdbassplayer
Date: 2024-11-04 17:23
Rice Clarinet Works has been making blanks for Clark Fobes and other mouthpiece makes. I generally prefer mouthpieces made from their blanks to Zinner blank mouthpieces personally.
Babbit is also still around and I believe you can still get blanks from them.
You also have the option of designing and 3D printing your own, a printer capable of making high quality blanks costs around $500-$1500. Of course then you only have the option of plastic. That being said 3D mouthpieces can be quite good, I was especially impressed by those made by Walter Grabner.
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Author: ruben
Date: 2024-11-04 20:27
Thank you for the info! I can't say as I miss Zinner.
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Author: maxopf
Date: 2024-11-04 20:35
Jim Kanter has his blanks made by Jody Espina (of JodyJazz/Chedville). Mike Dassios in Canada also uses these blanks.
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Author: ruben
Date: 2024-11-05 20:16
JDB: can 3D printers only use plastic? It would seem to me that a higher density material is needed.
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Author: ruben
Date: 2024-11-05 23:58
Thank you for the information!
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Author: Haless77
Date: 2024-12-25 10:57
Ruben. Yes, but some of the plastics that can be used are denser than hard rubber.
For example, PLA is a very common plastic in 3D printing and has a density of 1.24 g/cm^3 according to this source:
For comparison, ebonite has a density of 1.1 to 1.2 g/cm^3:
I've been using a PLA mouthpiece on my bass clarinet for about a year now with great results and absolutely no signs of wear.
This provide much info
ruben wrote:
> Thank you for the information!
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Author: RBlack
Date: 2024-12-26 10:44
Personally I think the demise of Zinner actually turned out to be a good thing for innovation, with many of the in-house replacement blanks turning out to become better (again in my opinion).
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Author: ruben
Date: 2024-12-26 14:08
RBlack: actually, the Zinner blanks weren't all that good. The ebonite was soft and didn't produce a lot of harmonics. I agree with you.
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Author: Mojo
Date: 2024-12-26 19:34
I do not find density or weight to be important. I have 3D printed 25-30% infill mouthpieces that play the same a solid infill ones.
A player can sometimes feel some weight differences in their embouchure. But if they play differently it is due to slight facing differences.
Mojo Mouthpiece Work LLC
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