The Clarinet BBoard
Author: Runhammar
Date: 2021-01-20 15:20
This question regards the same SML Dixie that I asked about in another thread. That issue solved, I now wonder whether the instrument is worth my time to fix up. It will take a day and a half and cost a couple of pads and some cork. Does anyone know anything about SML Dixie? Is it worth it?
Per Runhammar
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Author: m1964
Date: 2021-01-20 21:09
Your clarinet most likely would be different from another clarinet from the same maker. Anyway, a quick search revealed one SML Dixie clarinet on eBay, with an asking price under $300.
I would wrap a sewing thread or plumbing tape around the tenon where the cork fell off and try to test the clarinet for tuning and sound quality. Aslo check wood condition.
While changing pads and corks is not difficult, you may run into damaged tone hole surfaces, and that would not allow you to achieve a good seal when repadding it. You should get an idea if the instrument is student, advanced student level, or maybe unplayable.
Then I would decide if it is worth fixing up.
Unfortunately many of these old clarinets cost more to fix than buying another one in a good condition.
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