The Clarinet BBoard
Author: hannarose
Date: 2015-01-29 00:44
My parents purchased me this clarinet when I was a sophomore in high school. So.. Six years ago? They bought it off ebay. It came with a hard case (brown, Buffet Crampon logo, red, suede-ish interior), a soft case (protech), an unmarked, plasticy like mouth piece, a Roger Garrett mouth piece with a plastic luyben ligature, and the clarinet, obviously. When I got it, I seem to recall it having a very faded, but there, Buffet logo on the top joint. I don't remember if the bottom, bell, or barrel had one. (I know the logo, as my first clarinet was an evette, and the case has it). Now, six years later, the logo is missing.
I can't figure out what kind of clarinet it is, or if it is genuine. I know it is real wood; being in marching band, it was rough housed and was cracked from the cork on the top join, to just tone hole for the register key. The first time it was filled with resin, and the second time they put posts in it, I believe. (It was years ago and I can't remember) It is a beautiful clarinet and it has 'MADE IN GERMANY' imprinted at the top of the lower joint, along with the serial number 976851, and 976851 on the bottom of the upper joint.
I've scoured forums and websites, and nowhere can I find this serial number. I read that the serials for E11's aren't listen on the Buffet website, but either way, I tried searching it and found nothing. Can anyone help me? I just want to know if it's real.
Hanna Rose
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Author: Chris P
Date: 2015-01-29 02:09
That sounds like a Buffet E11 as they were made in Germany.
Former oboe finisher
Howarth of London
1998 - 2010
The opinions I express are my own.
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Author: hannarose
Date: 2015-01-29 02:41
But is there any way to be sure? Seeing as how I can't find the serial number listed on any site?
Hanna Rose
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Author: Chris P
Date: 2015-01-29 04:10
The logos were printed onto these clarinets so they wore off easily. The wood is painted to make it look uniformly black instead of the natural grain showing (but you can see the natural colour of the wood where the toneholes have been cut) and the finger chimneys are all plastic inserts.
They used to list the serial numbers on the old B&H or 'The Music Group' site, but that site went down a long time ago.
With the 'Made in Germany' stamp and the 6 figure serial number, I'm 100% certain you've got a Buffet E11 there. They are essentially the same clarinet as the older Evette as they too were made by Schreiber for Buffet and the wooden Evettes later became the Buffet E11 in the mid '80s (the plastic Evette became the B12).
Former oboe finisher
Howarth of London
1998 - 2010
The opinions I express are my own.
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Author: Zain
Date: 2015-01-30 08:39
To me it definitely sounds like a Buffet Crampon E-11 Made In Germany. I own one just like the one in your description and our serial numbers are about the same so yes you do have an E-11 .
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