The Clarinet BBoard
Author: DAVE
Date: 2009-07-10 12:20
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and bought a new fancy ligature. The place is really nice and I highly recommend you go there if you are ever in Tokyo. They were very kind and lent me a Buffet Prestige and a Vandoren mouthpiece along with some reeds to try the ligatures. They were all really nice.
I also snapped a quick pic on my iPhone of this extension for the Bb clarinet that apparently adds resonance to the middle line B and brings the pitch up on the low E.
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Author: Ebclarinet1
Date: 2009-07-10 14:21
From your image, it looks as though the extension has a note for a low Eb too.
I have the Fobes extension for the Eefer and love it but it has a hole not an extra key.
Anyway cool! I want one! Do you know prices?
Eefer guy
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Author: Chris P
Date: 2009-07-10 14:54
Is the low Eb extension designed for an Oehler system?
Former oboe finisher
Howarth of London
1998 - 2010
The opinions I express are my own.
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Author: DAVE
Date: 2009-07-10 14:54
The extension was for a german system clarinet. There was some difficulty in the language. I really don't know all the details about it. The price was about $1115.00.
At first the salesperson was telling me that it turned a Bb clarinet into an A clarinet, but after further questioning, I think she was trying to tell me that it added resonance. It is a very new product apparently and that shop is the only one in Japan that has it.
The ligature was about $140!
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Author: Chris P
Date: 2009-07-10 15:01
Maybe she meant it gives the Bb clarinet the same downward range as an A.
Leitner&Kraus makes these low Eb extension barrels: - click on 'german system' and then 'other'.
Former oboe finisher
Howarth of London
1998 - 2010
The opinions I express are my own.
Post Edited (2009-07-10 15:07)
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Author: William
Date: 2009-07-10 15:21
I also have a Fobes extension for my effer which greatly improves my middle B, and I have been waiting for someone to develop a similar device for the Bb & A sopranos. What you have seems to be an extension for a low Eb which would give your Bb the same range as the A--a little different function than what I was thinking about. Seems a bit "pricey" for a note that one seldom (if ever) is called for--all transpositions asside, that is.......
Nice lig.
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Author: Claire Annette
Date: 2009-07-10 19:05
Did you look at any wooden ligatures? Someone on this thread mentioned at one time that Ishimori's carries them.
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Author: DAVE
Date: 2009-07-11 00:38
Yeah, I saw the wooden ones. They were made by someone else. They looked too fragile for regular use. The ligature that I bought has for an insert grenadilla wood. It sounds great to me.
Yeah, Chris P., that's what I was thinking. I am not too sure she knew all that much about it. She had to go ask someone else for more info once.
BTW, only one person I saw there could speak a little english. My japanese wife was the one doing all the hard work there with the translating.
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Author: Ebclarinet1
Date: 2009-07-11 15:55
What sort of improvements to the sound do those ligatures make? They look similar to a Rovner in concept.
Eefer guy
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Author: DAVE
Date: 2009-07-12 12:32
Improvement? Not sure. For me the grenadilla insert was the unique part. Will it make a huge difference? Probably not, but having it is the cool part for me... In the end, I will still sound the same...
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