The Clarinet BBoard
Author: bmcgar ★2017
Date: 2023-11-21 21:45
One of my students here in the U.S. ordered and paid for a Hanson plateau clarinet in May of this year. She got a purchase confirmation the same day notifying her that the clarinet would ship in 16 days.
She never received the instrument, nor has she ever gotten any response to any of several e-mail inquiries, the last one sent in August.
Her next step is to try to contact them by telephone, but does anyone have any idea why she's having a problem getting her order? Is Hanson defunct?
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Author: pukalo
Date: 2023-11-22 03:30
Their website seems to still be operational, not sure what is going on.
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Author: Tony F
Date: 2023-11-22 12:33
A friend here in Oz has the same problem. She ordered a plateau clarinet some time ago, has paid for it but not yet received it and is unable to get a response from them. In the past I've found them easy to deal with. I know they had a break-in which has disrupted things but this seems suspicious.
Tony F.
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Author: Julian ibiza
Date: 2023-11-22 18:02
I don't know how it works for shipments heading outside Europe, but I assume you still get sent a tracking code. If you don't get one then your purchase has simply not left the shop.
Julian Griffiths
Tel. 34 696 798 853
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Author: bmcgar ★2017
Date: 2023-11-22 21:38
I received this message from a friend and prominent player in Wales:
"I just phoned Hanson and the new guy there on reception told me they have had a break – in (burglary) and have lost over £100,000 of clarinets. You can contact him direct at Mr Hanson will be in the office in an hour’s time. I told him about your friend’s order and he was shocked to hear the order was placed in May and was not filled.
Their telephone number is: 441 481 848 060 - that is what you need to dial from USA normally there is a zero before the first digit 1 but from outside UK you drop that.
Hope this helps. If you phone, there will be an automated response but just hang on and you will get through to Matt on reception who seems to be a good guy."
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Author: Hurstfarm
Date: 2023-11-23 02:18
I’ve dealt with them a few times over the years and found them very helpful and responsive, including on a visit to their small factory. I’d second the suggestion of a phone call to try to sort things out.
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Author: cigleris
Date: 2023-11-23 02:35
Not surprised, while a burglary is never nice they don’t have a good reputation in the trade.
Peter Cigleris
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Author: donald
Date: 2023-11-24 12:14
someone somewhere now has the big challenge of trying to sell $100,000 of Hanson clarinets.... I don't envy them.
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Author: Julian ibiza
Date: 2023-11-24 16:12
And I don't envy Hanson's customers who would appear to be suffering the consequences of this situation without proper explanation, apologies, or the offer of reimbursement. It rather sounds like to avoid the latter, Hanson has chosen the policy of avoiding the former.
How else can an email sent in August regarding the very overdue delivery of paid-for merchandise yet go unanswered.
Julian Griffiths
Tel. 34 696 798 853
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Author: Tony F
Date: 2023-11-25 17:29
I've had a response to my email to Hanson, who assure me that my friend's plateau clarinet will arrive next week. Good to hear, but the lack of response previously must have shaken their customers faith in the brand.
Tony F.
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Author: timcmit
Date: 2024-06-10 01:14
I can report that Hanson is very much still operational - I spoke with Alastair Hanson this week. May I suggest calling by phone? It has never failed for me and you stand a good chance of talking to Alastair himself.
It does concern me to read certain unsubstantiated negative comments about Hansons, especially as hard earned reputations can be so easily damaged. My experience has been excellent.
Post Edited (2024-06-10 01:19)
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