The Clarinet BBoard
Author: William
Date: 2006-12-24 00:40
A while ago, someone mentioned that these cases were popular with oboists and that there was a double clarinet case available as well. Looking up the website, these cases appear to be very nice but I am informed by Marcus that his double clarinet case--cost $260 plus $90 shipping--is not currently being stocked by any of his US retailors to actually see. So--next best thing--my question is if any of you use one of these cases or know of one that is in use? If so, how do they compare to Bam cases in terms of size, weight, storage, etc.
I was going to post a website and picture, but that would violate the anti-advertising rule. So y'all can look them up like I did. Marcus Bonna cases.
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Author: GBK
Date: 2006-12-24 00:51
[ Posting the Marcus Bonna website link is fine: - GBK ]
[ The anti-advertising rule goes to manufacturers and employees, not people who are not directly involved with products. Those who are listed as "artists" or other such supporting roles for the manufacturers must disclose that fact when making comments. We try & catch as many of the violations as possible, but I know some slip by. Mark C. ]
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Author: L. Omar Henderson
Date: 2006-12-24 22:05
There was a post a little while back about double cases - do a search. I have had my MB case for about a month and think that it is wonderful (a little pricey but nice). I also have a BAM double treking case and like the MB much better. It is more sturdy, smaller, lighter, and has more room for music, accessories, and adjusments for different sized instruments by moving the partitions inside the case which are Velcro attachments. MB is more noted for brass cases and bassoon, oboe cases and makes relatively few double clarinet cases which are handled by several shops in the U.S. but not in quantity. MB (personal communication) makes these cases during the Summer for Fall shipments and when they are gone they are not available until the next year. Are they worth the price?? - your needs and means are the determinging factors.
L. Omar Henderson
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