The Clarinet BBoard
Author: ClarinetEd
Date: 2006-01-30 23:10
Hi, First time poster :D
I am a grade 10 student who had been playing the clarinet for around 3 years, and i passed the level 5 clarinet exam.
I am taking music as a course and i have an exam coming up.
I am suppose to play a solo with piano accompliment for my teacher and the students in my music class.
My question is, is there an piece that's not too difficult for me and yet still great sounding and will impress the audience?
any suggestions would be great, thank you.
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Author: Iacuras
Date: 2006-01-30 23:20
We had this discussion just a few weeks ago. Check out this link. click here
[ A search under "easy solo" will provide additional options - GBK ]
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Author: ohsuzan
Date: 2006-01-31 02:18
You probably should try using the search function on this board first, then ask questions about things you find there. (Look at the top of the page for the word "Search".)
There's a category up there called "Help/Rules", too. One of the rules states:
"No doing people's homework for them - however, helping with references or helping after someone has exhausted their local resources is most welcome."
No offense -- folks just get tired of answering the same questions all the time.
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Author: D
Date: 2006-01-31 19:17
An alternative way of looking for a piece if you get confused with all the suggestions in the archives of this site....go to a local library (might have to be a central branch) and have a look at their sheet music. Most public libraries will probably have a selection of the core repetoir. Or if you are feeling flush you could do the same in a music store. At the level you are at you can probably get a good idea of what you would be able to play by looking at the music, and you would stand a good chance of getting a copy of many things on tape/CD in a library as well. Music shops here (UK)quite often also carry recordings of all the grade pieces which you can buy, so if you picked up one of these then you could use that to assist.
The most sensible thing would be to ask your clarinet teacher...failing that, get a clarinet teacher and then ask them!
Well, good luck.
Most important thing, better to play a simple thing really well than a harder thing badly...take it from one who has experienced both.
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