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 Fully refurbished Penzel-Mueller "Improved" Albert clarinets in B flat and A
Author: kehammel 
Date:   2024-11-06 21:46

I bought these, fully serviced and repadded, a few years ago and hardly played them because I decided to focus on my bassoon. This type was sought after by some jazz clarinetists- I believe George Lewis played one. It's similar to a German system, having 6 rings. They are one-piece instruments, and are currently fitted with plates to take a Kooiman Maestro thumb rest. I don't have the thumb rest to send with them, so you'd have to provide one or install conventional thumb rests. The cork on the top joints is currently too fat to take the original barrels, and would have to be sanded down.

Sold as a pair only, because I want to get them out of the house. I paid $2000 for the pair, but don't need to recoup all that money. If interested, make an offer. I can send pictures.

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 Fully refurbished Penzel-Mueller "Improved" Albert clarinets in B flat and A  new
kehammel 2024-11-06 21:46 

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