The Ethnic Clarinet
Author: Jimmy
Date: 2002-01-06 13:09
Hi, I am an idiot when it comes to playing a gliss., like in Rhapsoday in Blue, from the chalumeau E to what to top E. How is this done?
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Author: DLE
Date: 2002-02-05 00:16
Jimmy. This has been discussed alot on the other BBoard before. Try doing a search on that board and see what you find. To answer your question though, it takes alot of practice, flexible fingers, timing, judgment... etc. It's something I bothered with 2 years ago, and then promptly gave up when I realised there are some things I just can't handle.
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Author: Seamus Kirkpatrick
Date: 2002-07-05 06:18
Try playing a high B with the octave key and just let the embouchure collapse by letting the lips go looser and slightly forward. The pitch, if you maintain pressure with air on the reed, with any luck will fall.
Try to drop the pitch and then the scoop it back up, and that could be the start of glissing for you. Don'y worry if it doesn't sound pleasant because first you have to be able to pull it off. Then you can make it sound pleasant.
If this is any help to you could you let me know, as I'm trying to think of a way to explain glissing to students.
Also try a softer reed and an albert system clarinet.
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Author: V12-5
Date: 2002-12-27 06:48
One technique for getting big "smears" as they're aften refered to is to slowly pull the fingers off the open holes sidways one at a time slowly. Enventually the goal is to pull them off in a smooth motion upward, and then to keep the pitch down with embouchure wile doing so, allowing you to lip the pitch up the rest of the way making for a smooth bend. I've been working at for a year and I still can't get it, it's easier in the lower register though. My teacher can play the opening of Rhapsody in Blue flawlessly (a regular gliss from the low F-G trill to the middle D, then a smooth bend up to the high C with the lip). It takes years of frustration and sqeaking to get it right.
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Author: pjrothman
Date: 2003-03-21 18:26
Having just performed Rhapsody in Blue several time, most recently, last month. Here is how you do it.
You can't gliss over the break. The gliss in the Gershwin usually starts on the second octave D ending on the C, before that you just play a smooth scale then as v12-5 you pull your fingers off the holes while you bend each not. To bend each not you really do it the position of your tounge and throat. So it is a smooth transition from each note. Once you get, you pray it works when you really need it.
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Author: theclarinetist
Date: 2003-04-17 14:16
I am a big smearing fan and have performed the opening of Rhapsody in Blue before. I agree with most of the posts. The smear really takes place in your mouth, not your hands. Start on a high C and see if you can bend the pitch down to a G (on top of the staff) below that. It'll be a very unfocused G, but don't let that bother you...
Executing the smear takes a bit of coordination. When I do it, you play up to D3, then you slide your fingers off the keys while simultaneously bending the pitch downard. The action of releasing keys while bending down, gives you the smoothest sound (fingers alone gives you a little bump between each note). For me, by the time my fingers have all be released (fingering a C5) my pitch is about at a G4, then I simply bend the pitch back up to the C. Bending from G to C is the best way to get it smooth, because you can really finger smear it (especially B4-C5)... plus if it's all in your mouth you can take as long as you want, and make the audience (and conductor) sweat a little. Just make sure you keep your air focused enough that the notes all sound (it takes a lot of air), and have fun with it. Good luck... Hope this was helpful
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Author: JellyJazz
Date: 2003-05-18 11:56
hi-i'm only 16 but i find gliss. really easy-do you know where i can get the music for Raphsody in Blue?
I just passed my grade 6 with merit!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :O)
Jelly Jazz
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Author: DezzaG
Date: 2003-05-18 15:12
Play in an orchestra!JellyJazz wrote:
> hi-i'm only 16 but i find gliss. really easy-do you know where
> i can get the music for Raphsody in Blue?
> I just passed my grade 6 with
> merit!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :O)
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