The Ethnic Clarinet
Author: Gene
Date: 2023-01-29 21:11
Looking for a good method book that has many styles of ethnic music any suggestions. I play bflat and alto clar and flute and soprano sax ..
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Author: glenndickson
Date: 2024-03-07 05:10
I don't know about a method book, but Tom Pixton's "Pinewoods International Collection" has a lot of tunes from all over Europe, including Scandinavia, British Isles, the Balkans and into the Middle East. It is in concert pitch and is oriented to dance music.
Oh, just saw this request is a year old! Sorry I didn't see it earlier. Not a lot of movement on this BB.
Glenn Dickson
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Author: davidjsc
Date: 2024-03-08 02:00
Costel Puscoiu's "Clarinet Solos on Balkan Folk Songs and Dances" is what got me started on playing Euro ethnic music. His book obviously focus on the Balkan area and has an interesting selction of songs group by country/area. Some are easy, some are hard.
I have never seen any sort of instructional or method book, only compilation collections of ethnic music, usually klezmer. - or the massive Hanny Christen collection of Swiss folk music.
~~ Alto Clarinet; Bass Clarinet; B-flat and C Boehm Clarinets; Albert C Clarinet; Oboe ~~
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