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 Re: piccolo problems
Author: ArundoDonax 
Date:   2007-01-16 18:22

Switching back and forth between flute and piccolo is not so bad. What I find though is once you add in the reeds -- clarinet, saxes, bass clarinet -- piccolo embouchure is the first thing to go in the pit. Sometimes I live in terror, not knowing what will come out when I pick the thing up. I do find that (if there is time during the switch) just placing the piccolo on my mouth and finding that exact right spot on the lower lip is helpful.

For me a similar sort of thing with flute embouchure happens after playing reeds -- almost like your mouth forgets what to do for a minute. It's especially bad for low flute playing. Anybody else find that? Anybody else find some useful tricks to help with this?

John Valleau

Next show SWEENEY TODD for Garden City Productions -- fall 2008.

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