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 Re: Beginning doubling on clarinet from trumpet
Author: kurth83 
Date:   2023-09-04 00:46

Now it's been just over two weeks. My first big mistake of playing, I was trying to force sound out, caused headaches, just because I can blow like a trumpet player doesn't mean I should. I read about older clarinet players who lost their ability to play by using too much air pressure (heard tales of older trumpet players too).

I now aim for as stress-free playing as possible. Mostly a matter of eating more mouthpiece and relaxing, and I switched to a softer reed (2.0 for now). So it's still working well or at least as hoped for.

I bought another mouthpiece intended for when I want to play LOUD. The Vandoren 5JB (jazz mpc), yeah, it's a lot louder (thank you internet for having so much useful information about equipment, the BD5 is also a great recommendation). :-)

As my skills improve, playing is getting easier so the 2.5's may make a comeback at some point. So far everything is going as hoped for. But I bought an FSO (flute shaped object) just in case. :-)

Aging classical trumpet player beginning to learn clarinet as a second.

Post Edited (2023-09-04 00:50)

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kurth83 2023-09-04 00:46 
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