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 Re: Reed II (Flute and Clarinet) for Phantom of the Opera
Author: CocoboloKid 
Date:   2012-09-19 16:10

The overture will require you to be comfortable in the third octave, up to high B. I would recommend practicing your B minor arpeggios over two octaves up to high B, and also playing chromatically from high G to high B, both ascending and descending. There are also short passages that appear throughout the book that require very good tonguing (it is most helpful if you can double tongue, particularly in Act I/Scene 8).

It will be helpful in general to be very comfortable playing in sharp keys (all of them) on both instruments.

It's also worth noting that there are some low Bs for the flute, though they're not earth-shatteringly important if you only have a C foot.

And of course, a large beautiful symphonic sound is paramount!

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DrewSorensenMusic 2012-09-18 04:15 
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CocoboloKid 2012-09-19 03:37 
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Mark Cookson 2012-09-19 08:22 
 Re: Reed II (Flute and Clarinet) for Phantom of the Opera  new
CocoboloKid 2012-09-19 16:10 
 Re: Reed II (Flute and Clarinet) for Phantom of the Opera  new
Mark Cookson 2012-09-23 08:02 
 Re: Reed II (Flute and Clarinet) for Phantom of the Opera  new
davyd 2012-09-24 16:58 
 Re: Reed II (Flute and Clarinet) for Phantom of the Opera  new
CocoboloKid 2012-09-24 18:44 

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