The Doublers BBoard
Author: Jaysne
Date: 2012-05-04 17:42
I've done Fiddler several times and the clarinet player has always played in the pit for the bottle dance. It's a very exposed solo, so it's fine to have the player stay in the pit. That said, I never thought of the clarinet being on stage in that scene--it's a nice idea!
One thing to remember is that that solo needs to sound very rough and ethnic (klezmer-like) versus the symphonic sound in the rest of the score. One of my friends used a different mouthpiece just for the bottle dance to get that effect.
timw |
2012-04-29 12:34 |
davyd |
2012-04-29 14:59 |
timw |
2012-04-29 20:13 |
Re: Into the Woods/ Fiddler on the Roof new |
Jaysne |
2012-05-04 17:42 |
The Clarinet Pages