The Doublers BBoard
Author: dtiegs
Date: 2011-05-13 23:58
I have a multitude amount of interests, two of them just happens to be flute and alto saxophone. In the future, I've made up my mind already, that I will go through college and stay with the clarinet as my main instrument. I do realize that most musicians are able to play more than one instrument, and do occasionally play on the sidelines with them. I am looking for a flute and an alto saxophone that is affordable but also of good quality.
Are there any models out there that you would recommend as an intermediate instrument?
I am open to anything*
intermediate flute and alto sax... new |
dtiegs |
2011-05-13 23:58 |
oboesax |
2011-05-14 13:50 |
Jaysne |
2011-05-18 01:17 |
Oboelips |
2011-06-15 18:00 |
DrewSorensenMusic |
2011-12-04 22:12 |
The Clarinet Pages