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 RE: AMITI clarinets.
Author: David Spiegelthal 
Date:   1999-07-14 15:58

If you're referring to Amati, beware. They are Czech-made instruments, and their prices are indeed very good compared to other allegedly comparable instruments. But the quality may be lacking. My one experience was with an Amati low-C bass clarinet, which had a great price, but played stuffy and out-of-tune, and had lousy workmanship (grainy, rough wood in the bore, terrible plating on the keys, lots of slop in the mechanisms). I had ordered it on trial from The Woodwind & The Brasswind. I looked it over, played it for 15 minutes, then sent it right back to WW & BW. That 15 minutes cost me $60 in round-trip shipping. I'm still a bitter and angry man over it.............

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 RE: AMITI clarinets.  new
David Spiegelthal 1999-07-14 15:58 
 RE: AMITI clarinets.  new
Karel Vahala 1999-07-15 11:52 

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