The Clarinet BBoard
Author: Liz
Date: 1999-07-13 20:53
Would playing brass ruin your clarinet embouchure?
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Author: STuart
Date: 1999-07-13 21:47
I don't think so. Many famous musicians have been competant on both. Ira Sullivan, who recorded with Art Blakey's Jazz Messengers played both real well. If you have time for both- it sounds like a lot of fun!
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Author: Merry
Date: 1999-07-13 23:46
No. I've played brass for a couple of years now without it harming my clarinet embouchure. I find that both embouchures are so different that they don't interfere with each other. However, as was pointed out in the previous post, it is all a matter of time. Finding time to practice and develop two different embouchures can be challenging especially with school/work commitments. I have never regretted learning brass, it can be frustrating at times but the rewards are worth it.
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Author: Hiroshi
Date: 1999-07-14 03:23
1.That depends on what brass to play.For example,if you play a piccolo trumpet,the mouthpiece is so small and it needs a very big air pressure.It will surely affect clarinet playing.
2.The order of practice is another matter.If you play brass first,especially those ones which needs a big effort to play,clarinet playing will be surely affected badly.Even a reed instrument such as soprano saxes,which bring fatigue easily,should be praciticed "after" clarinet practice.
3.Doubling or tripling will enhance the chance of getting job.But practice time for each instrument is lowered at least by halves.
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Author: mike
Date: 1999-07-14 04:21
I feel that playing the bugle, (for me) acually increased the strength and endurance for my clarinet playing ( as did the oboe )....if you feel froggy, jump and enjoy....
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Author: ron
Date: 1999-07-14 06:30
No. Having fun musically never hurt anyone that I know of.
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Author: Lelia
Date: 1999-07-14 11:41
I'm an experienced amateur clarinet and sax player. As a beginner on cornet, I'm finding that I need to devop new muscles for the new embouchure. As someone else said, I'm finding that the two embouchures are so different from each other that I don't get them mixed up, but right now the brass embouchure tires my chops quickly. When I asked a similar question here and in trumpet forums several weeks ago, someone gave me what has proven to be very good advice: separate the practice times for clarinet and brass. If I try to play clarinet with my chops tired from practicing cornet, I play clarinet like a pig. Right now, it's working better for me to do my longer practice session on clarinet or sax first (I rotate which I play from day to day), then wait to do a short session on cornet during my lunch break. I split the cornet session into two short ones. Right now, after less than a month on cornet, I can only practice it for about 20 minutes at a time before my embouchure falls apart, so I put the horn away and then get it out again for a few more minutes in the evening. So far, I don't seem to be damaging myself physically or hurting my clarinet playing, and although I haven't been lengthening those cornet sessions yet, I do hear a big improvement. (That's the fun thing about being a beginner again: swift progress!) When there's no difference in quality and consistency of tone from the beginning of my cornet practice session until the end, then I'll start gradually lengthening the first session until I can eliminate the "two-fer" practices. Good luck with doubling!
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Author: D'arce
Date: 1999-07-15 00:53
Yes, I would say so based on my experience. I have marched a sousaphone for two years now soon to be three. I play clarinet in concert season though and it is very difficult and takes alot of work to get my embouchure back to being correct. you may have a different sittuation due to what brass instrument you have chosen to take up. I wish you the best of luck though with whatever you may choose as your way of getting back your embouchure
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Author: Hiroshi
Date: 1999-07-16 07:48
This is a highly recommended brass link.Enjoy!
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