The Clarinet BBoard
Author: Merry
Date: 1999-07-13 23:46
No. I've played brass for a couple of years now without it harming my clarinet embouchure. I find that both embouchures are so different that they don't interfere with each other. However, as was pointed out in the previous post, it is all a matter of time. Finding time to practice and develop two different embouchures can be challenging especially with school/work commitments. I have never regretted learning brass, it can be frustrating at times but the rewards are worth it.
Liz |
1999-07-13 20:53 |
STuart |
1999-07-13 21:47 |
Merry |
1999-07-13 23:46 |
Hiroshi |
1999-07-14 03:23 |
mike |
1999-07-14 04:21 |
ron |
1999-07-14 06:30 |
Lelia |
1999-07-14 11:41 |
Donn |
1999-07-14 17:45 |
D'arce |
1999-07-15 00:53 |
Hiroshi |
1999-07-16 07:48 |
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