The Clarinet BBoard
Author: wildflowers
Date: 1999-06-27 01:44
The University of North Texas Wind Symphony is a fantastic ensemble. Eugene Corporon is a musical genius. Unfortunately, he is also the most unfair man in the world. If you are planning on attending the University of North Texas because of the Wind Symphony, I urge you to reconsider your other options. As an undergrad, your chances of making the wind symphony are slim to none. Professor Corporon seems to favor graduate students....even if they are not the best players in the studio. As long as graduate students keep coming to UNT, expect to be in the second or third band for a long time. Your audition doesn't mean a thing as long as auditions are not blind auditions. Be warned....The University of North Texas is not the school you hope it will be. If you are a grad student, go for it. I hope you have fun being in his band. I hope you enjoy your weekend long recording projects that don't pay dick. All your going to get is a freakin' donut, a cup of really strong coffee, and a complimentary CD of your long weekend. Have fun.
Author: William Fuller
Date: 1999-06-27 05:21
I agree that Gene Corporon is a talented conductor and has done wonders with ensembles from the University of Wisconsin, where I came to know him, to his present position at Texas. It should be noted that he is also a talented clarinetist whom I have had the privilage of playing beside. I disagree with the rest of your message as I have always know Gene to be a fair adujudicator of auditions and a man of integrity. He is highly recommended as a musician, a teacher and a man of honor. Please attend his school and learn all you can from this gifted individual.
Author: cherry vodka sour
Date: 1999-06-27 18:26
I agree with Wildflowers - Eugene Corporon and the entire UNT enterprise known as the Wind Symphony is THE worst undergraduate/graduate experience. He is so concerned with Eugene Corporon that he forgets that there are people there actually trying to achieve what he has. I think that if you go there - be totally prepared to feel like you are the worst at what you do for however long it takes you to do which ever program you choose. He'll smile and pretend he likes you and the next thing you know, his graduate conducting students will go around telling everyone what he really thinks of you. Oh - and if you bake him stuff, he may not say as many bad things about you - but that totally depends on what you make. And don't forget his birthday - that's a big plus - it can totally be your door into the wind symphony. But if you go there thinking you can turn him around - my advice to you would be to find out the whole 3 pieces he likes and play them at EVERY audition in the EXACT way he likes them played, and who knows, he might actually hear you...but I doubt it. Oh, and William Fuller you were probably one of those graduate conducting students I spoke of earlier - enough said.
Author: Mark Charette
Date: 1999-06-27 18:35
cherry vodka sour wrote:
Oh, and William Fuller you were probably one of those graduate conducting students I spoke of earlier - enough said.
Enough of the ad hominem attacks and the attacks on Eugene Corporon. I let the first one go since it seemed to be some first hand knowledge of this particular conductor, and then William Fuller (who signed his real name, something I noticed the other two didn't do) defended him.
Enough said. We have a con and pro. No more unless you can add <b>materially</b> to this thread.
Author: cherry vodka sour
Date: 1999-06-27 18:47
[Post whacked by Webmaster]
<br>Please read the previous post by me. You didn't materially add anything.
Author: Daniel
Date: 1999-06-28 01:03
I have been under the direction of Mr. Corporon before. He was very energetic and a delite to play for. As for the recording projects: Most schools with well respected music ensembles go through similar routines for a cd to be commercially released. Such a process and conditions are normal. I don't know what rules there are in such instances. But i'm not sure if the students performing are allowed to be paid. If you don't want to be on a cd, then you don't have to be there. Any recording project with a large ensemble, unless they are just wonderful, requires many takes before a final master take can be acquired. Even Charlie Parker, ad other greats had 4 or 5 or even more takes before they took a final cut.
Author: STuart
Date: 1999-06-28 18:55
Man, when I'm in the studio I stay till it rocks, period. I don't want to sound bad whether I'm paid or not. It's not like the business of recording wind music for a University is even comparable to a film score or studio spot, anyway. I say "Lets do it again, better." Like that sweet conductor at Interlochen, was it Henry Charles Smith? He used so say "Good, not do it again, Better!" with this great grin.
And as for cocktails with petty bones to pick, who the heck said life was fair? I got barrels of dung to say about everybody that ever hurt me, I can't lie, but I don't want to cry anymore about fairness. When I assemble a group personality is key, that definitely shines though in our music. This doesn't necessarily lend itself to simple fairness. As a musician I want to concern myself with betterment of the soul or whatever you want to call it.
If your going to survive musicianhood in America, you need to drop that wack attitude and seek knowledge of self. Start your own group, write you own music, design your own music theory, build your own instruments, WHATEVER! To think there's one way to skin a cat is to punish yourself. Please don't let some problem with a person (conductors are only people, it took me years to get this) come between you and your integrity as a musician. What's REALLY inside that heart of yours?
Author: Stephanie aka Benny
Date: 1999-06-28 19:49
you know my teacher hit it right on the money the other day when he said....(concering my director)
"Directors in the eyes of some of their students are always wrong...even if they're right!"
You must be one of those students......
Author: 12az
Date: 1999-06-28 21:13
If you haven't been in his ensemble, you have NO IDEA nor CLUE what people go through. FEW come out with good things to say....most are EXTREMELY negative. Unfortunately some of the accusations in cherry's e-mail are true. There is a rumor circulating that the Wind Symphony will be exclusively for grad. students. If you look at it now, there are VERY few undergrads in the Wind Symphony. And some grad students even end up in the 2nd band (Symphonic Band) for their entire time at UNT.
You really do work your tail off for little gain---other than good ensemble experience. The reason the recordings are SO phenominal----THEY ARE TOTALLY PIECED TOGETHER....there are very few recordings done straight. TRUST ME I've been in his recording sessions and they are pure, unadulterated hell (yes..with the only payment of a doughnut, coffee, free CD, and soda)......I know most recordings today are pieced together like this, but is this REALLY music?? Isn't it synchonized sound???? I must admit he has an AWESOME editing staff.
Author: Mark Charette
Date: 1999-06-28 21:56
12az wrote:
<br> If you haven't been in his ensemble, you have NO IDEA nor CLUE what people go through. FEW come out with good things to say....most are EXTREMELY negative.
<br>You know, I'd give your ramblings a lot more credit if you gave a valid name or email. I know you're from UNT via the IP address, but I <b>don't</b> know if you're the same person that has been using aliases on this BBoard. All I can say is that I have my suspicions. The language used is awfully similar ...
<br>As for having mostly grad students in the top bands - your point is???
<br>If the top people are in the top bands, the ratio of grad to undergrad would reflect this.
Author: Wildflowers
Date: 1999-06-28 22:25
hey was not us again. sorry.
Author: Daniel
Date: 1999-06-29 00:03
For someone that is so angry about Corporon and the UNT Wind Symphony, it seems kinda odd that you would call yourself after one of their more recent albums.
Author: 12az
Date: 1999-06-29 02:00
After much contemplation and heated (though meaningful) discussion with some people about my prior comments, I feel that I have to retract what I previously said degrading Mr. Corporon. It is MY OWN EXPERIENCE, and probably a portion of the UNT community has had similar experiences. Though there have been negative aspects, some aspects are really positive.
Though other groups (like the Symphonic Band) are not as world-renowed, the musical experience is still incredible. Even though I am bitter about some of my experiences with the Wind Studies dept., I admit that the hardship I went through for them did have a tangible product. Not many college musicians can say they've been through 10 recording sessions, played for world-famous conductors (like Mr. Corporon, Neil Slater, and Anshel Brusilow), been on professional tours, played for various groups (like CBDNA, TMEA, etc.). Beyond the tangible, the Wind Studies dept. prepared me to compete and WIN in the music world. The overall experience one gets from UNT is WONDERFUL and UNSURPASSED ANYWHERE in the world.
The stress is great...the pressures are high....but in the end, you come out a better musician and a stronger person. You may come out bitter, but if you keep the "big picture" in perspective, things aren't as bad as you first perceived.
I MUST admit I did get more out of watching and observing rehearsals than I did by performing with the group---but THAT IS JUST ME. Maestro Corporon is a master of his art, and one can learn lots from him, just in the way which best suits you.
As for the grad. student issue, it was brought to my attention that Mr. Corporon did allow more people to "have a chance" a couple of years ago...the quality of the live concerts suffered immensely. So, now reflecting, I can see the validity in using a majority of grad. students. They are more seasoned, which will allow the level of the group to skyrocket.
For those of you considering UNT, DO NOT take what appears here for face value. Come and see the campus and judge for yourself. The recordings from ANYWHERE on this campus should speak for themselves.
Author: Wildflowers
Date: 1999-06-29 02:06
so you like the album? I think it's great. I respect Corporon as a musician. I just wish he would take the audition process more seriously. Last year, there was a person who got into the wind symphony, but did not audition because this person was out of town. We knew it was a set-up because results were posted the same day as the auditions....that person did not get in town until a few days later.
so listen.....i apoligize for being a jerk at first...i was just really upset. i have had some time to think about my actions and i really regret some of the things i said originally. i meant most of it, but i should have acted more professionally. and by the way, i am not cherry vodka sour....i am only wildflowers...cherry vodka sour is one of the persons i live with....and this is my correct e-mail address. and mark....i meant no harm...i was just being stupid. please accept my apology.
ok....back to corporon. he is a great musician, but i think he needs to work on his HR skills. also, if you think he has a good band now, imagine how good it would be if corporon actually listened to the auditions and filled the spots with the deserving players. wow! that would be an awesome band....then i would agree that "band is awesome". so...ok. i'm done for now.
Author: Mark Charette, Webmaster
Date: 1999-06-29 02:29
Wildflowers & Cherry Vodka Sour:
Be aware that your stupidity is probably going to result in a reprimand by the system administrators at UNT, if not revokation of your system priveledges. That was no idle threat about reporting you to the admins. I did it within a couple of hours of your posting obscene language. This is a family oriented BBoard, and you should have known better - I've done the same thing before.
Author: Stephanie aka Benny
Date: 1999-06-29 02:49
thanks for that other look. and wildflowers thanks for appoligizing......i am starting to look at you differently already. we can all get frustrated and upset, but if we can control what we say and how we say it......well that will show highly of yourself not only as a person but also as a musician. Let's just all get along.....your always entitled to your opinion....but younger people write in on this board. =0)
Author: Daniel
Date: 1999-06-29 05:29
Wildflowers wrote:
so you like the album? I think it's great.
I've heard a number of his recordings, and also when he was with erm... Cincinnati was it? My high school band director's daughter was in the WS her freshman year on oboe. So he had every recording in the Klavier recording project. He worshipped Corporon and even tried to mimic his style and instrumentation (which i feel improved the ensemble by reducing the possibility of bad players being in the group from smaller sections). I have enjoyed listening to the few from his collection that i borrowed. I was planning on attending a concert back in April, but being gone the weekend before and after, i couldn't really justify being gone another weekend. I've chatted with Drs. Scott and Gillespie a number of times, at audition and conventions. And enjoy their playing as well.
I respect Corporon as a musician. I just wish he would take the audition process more seriously. Last year, there was a person who got into the wind symphony, but did not audition because this person was out of town. We knew it was a set-up because results were posted the same day as the auditions....that person did not get in town until a few days later.
Now doesn't civilized discussion seem more rational and effective? :-) It's a shame that the process is run that way. At other schools i have friends at, the professors of each instrument usually decide chairs for the bands.
Author: Wildflowers
Date: 1999-06-29 08:40
Drs. Scott and Gillespie are the coolest guys on the face of the planet. Both of them are excellent teachers and players. Deb Fabian, of the Dallas Wind Symphony, is also on part-time faculty. She is also an great teacher/player. There are also two graduate TF's that teach lessons. They are some of the nicest students at the university.
Author: tarzan
Date: 1999-06-29 20:16
i don't know for sure, but i think i know who wildflowers and 12az are. wildflowers, you are correct: dr. scott and gillespie are very supportive instructors. i also agree with everything you said about gene corporon. i also agree that your first comments were very immature, but i would not take them back if i were you. i am a part of the wind symphony. i only do it for the scholarship. if i don't do it, i will have to pay out of state tuition. sometimes i feel that it is worth paying out of state tuition than to be tortured by this evil man that everyone seems to respect.
and 12az: i don't understand how quickly you changed your opinion. don't let other people influence you so easily. i agree with your first comment, but i refuse to give in to your second.
Author: birdsongs
Date: 1999-06-29 21:21
Hi. I am also from the university of north texas, but i am in the symphonic band, the band under the wind symphony. I agree with both tarzan and wildflowers. I have seen a clarinettist, the same player who wasn't present for auditions, get into the wind symphony after he composed a peice of music for mr. corporon's bithday. I see undergrad players with the most amazing sounds and technical ability beneath players who are not as talented, but ARE grad students. I am not saying our grad students are not good-some are the most amazing players you have ever heard, but there are undergrad students that are better than some of the grad students.
Author: William Fuller
Date: 1999-06-29 22:31
As a band director, I can tell you that it is better to have an ensemble that is willing to work together than a lot of individuals whose only concern is "who is the better player". Quite often, graduate students exhibit a more positive attitude and are able to cooperate with each other in a more mature manner in working out performance problems. Just a thought for you oviously disatisfied and talented undergrad musicians.
Author: jane
Date: 1999-06-29 23:10
I don't understand why tarzan, wildflowers, and birdsongs are so bitter. There are always going to be rumors about a person of high authority no matter were you go. I have never played under Mr. Corporon, but I know that he is a very well respected man, and his ensamble is faboulous. I currently attend the University of North Texas, and play in the symphonic band. I know many people that complain about the way things are run here, but who are we to judge? Do students really know more about the way things should be than a man who is as renowned as Mr. Corporon? I personally would feel honored to play in an ensamble as great as the Wind Symphony. Maybe you'all need to realize how lucky you are to be where you are and stop complaining.
Author: jane
Date: 1999-06-29 23:13
hey said you were making it in the real world...what are you doing now?
Author: Stephanie Escalante
Date: 1999-06-29 23:51
Okay...I too am a UNT student, and am also in the Symphonic Band. I cannot comment on being in the wind symphony or experiencing the recording projects that some of the players seem to dislike so much. I have heard the rumors and have experienced some negative feelings over the alleged "unfairness" of the audition process. The truth is that know one really knows what goes through a director's mind when he or she chooses players. I do not think that Eugene Corporon is "selfish" or only concerned with his recording projects. If he was, he wouldn't take the time to work with the other ensembles. I realize I have not done a recording project and my attitude is somewhat "green", but the recording projects are there to give each player experience. At the beginning of the year, each player signs a contract with the listed requirements of the Wind Symphony. Instead of getting paid, you get a grade. Yes, it is true that a majority of the Wind Symphony is composed of graduate students, and graduate students do tend to have more experience (based on age). I DO NOT, however, agree that graduate students "exhibit a more positive attitude and are able to cooperate with each other in a more mature manner when working out performance problems." Graduate students often have the same attitudes as "negative and immature" undergradates: there are still people who sit right in front of the tuner, insisting they are in tune and everyone else is not; or people who play at a constast FFFF; or people who happen to be playing principal for a piece and feel they should be the one to rudely go up to each and every individual and tell them what they did wrong and how they need to fix it; or people who are so set in there ways they will not conform or will have a bad attitude doing so.
Author: Gloria Adams
Date: 1999-06-30 00:00
Mr. Charette,
Who do you think you are? I cannot believe you would make open threats as you have to wildflowers, cherry vodka sour, etc. I agree that foul language has no place on a family bulletin board, but does that give you the right to make threats openly, especially since you have "valid" e-mail addresses for these people/this person. Couldn't you address these issues one on one with them? Maybe you should put a disclaimer somewhere (that is very visible) so that everyone understood the ground rules and the consequences.
re: this whole discussion about Corporon---- some of the remarks are valid and need consideration, but have those of you who have complaints gone to the proper places (i.e., dean of the school, etc.)to get them properly addressed? Talking anonomously on a chat board will get nothing done. I understand why people haven't----they are afraid of the "powers that be". Corporon is extremely powerful, and he knows it. Everyone knows it. Same thing is true for every other department head.
But get some guts and go complain to the administration.
Author: Mark Charette, Webmaster
Date: 1999-06-30 00:10
Gloria Adams wrote:
<br>Mr. Charette,
<br>Who do you think you are? I cannot believe you would make open threats as you have to wildflowers, cherry vodka sour, etc. I agree that foul language has no place on a family bulletin board, but does that give you the right to make threats openly, especially since you have "valid" e-mail addresses for these people/this person. Couldn't you address these issues one on one with them?
<br>It's my system. It's my rules, fair or unfair. Those weren't "threats", they were actions taken immediately upon reading the obscene posts. I don't bother with email pleas to people; those that write messages to this board should consider who and what they're wrioting before they hit that "post" button. I'm very consistent in doing this on theis particular BBoard, and the rules are what they are.
<br>I have much better things to do in my waking hours than write email to people pleading with them to stop being asinine. I'd rather help and communicate with the 99.999% of the other people out there.
Author: Gloria Adams
Date: 1999-06-30 00:18
Would you please be so kind then, Mr. Charette, to please make your rules known to all in a public manner so there will be no more asinine conversations about this? If your rules are not posted anywhere, they are NOT defendable in court (in the event someone would try to sue you.
Author: Mark Charette, Webmaster
Date: 1999-06-30 00:41
<br>My rules do not need defending in a court of law - I own this machine and the connection. It is not by any stretch of the imagination a "public utility" and under any regulation.
<br>Any cursory search of this BBoard would bring up the history of this BBoard and the "rules" which are very simple. No foul language (and I am judge and jury when it comes to swearing) and no ad hominem attacks on people. I reserve the right to add, subtract, and re-think the rules at any time.
<br>It's my football. I haven't had to lock it down yet (to valid members). I hope to keep it that way.
Author: Stephanie aka Benny
Date: 1999-06-30 04:25
these people did not give it a second thought when they openly used very foul language. they did not go straight to mark and tell him what they thought of him. all they did was post their foul language so that everyone has access. i understand that everyone has their own opinion and they are entitled to that...but this is not the first time that mark has had to get on someone for their actions and language. This is mark's machine and he is kind enough to let us use it for trying to learn more about the clarinet and music in general. Not to openly cuss out who we don't like. he has the final say......Thanks Mark for all you do!!
Keep Swinging,
Benny =0)
Author: WindDances
Date: 1999-06-30 04:31
charette: a disclaimer might be a good idea. ever consider it?
many people, including myself, have spoken to the administration regarding the issues with corporon. it's too bad that nothing has been done to resolve them. as long as corporon and the north texas wind symphony keep recording and getting "grammy nominations", i'm afraid nothing will ever be done. the university would gladly keep receiving "grammy nominations" for the work of the wind symphony at any cost.
Author: Mark Charette, Webmaster
Date: 1999-06-30 12:07
WindDances wrote:
charette: a disclaimer might be a good idea. ever consider it?
Yes, but I don't think in polite company it's really necessary. We've got enough warning labels that we never read anymore - it becomes overload.
Author: marsha
Date: 1999-07-01 03:29
What an incredible suprize to stumble upon this heated discussion concerning Gene Corporon. I too once studied under Mr. Corporon, however not in Texas, rather in Cincinnatti, Ohio.
I was even more suprized to find much of the same sentiments I felt several years ago, voiced by students I have never met, about a man I know too well. I do not wish to add fuel to the fire, except to say that students in Texas are not alone.
College is about jumping thru hoops. Gene is one of the best at hooping it up. Stick it out and never forget how you felt as that student. One day when you are instructing future performers, you will remember what NOT to do.
Author: Luminaries
Date: 1999-07-02 03:31
I'm so glad to hear marsha's comment. Marsha, did Corporon run recording sessions up in Cincinnati like he does here in TX (according to earlier comments, which are true....I wouldn't describe it quite as explicitly as 12az did, but they aren't pleasant)?? Does anyone else out there feel these CD's are perfect in every respect except with true, heartfelt feeling and phrasing? Or am I just in the minority?
Author: Andy
Date: 1999-07-02 03:33
Hmm. That's pretty interesting. As I recall, there weren't any Marshas in any of the Wind Symphony recordings from Cincinnati. Corporon is a great conductor/musician. Maybe you would've realized it if you were in his ensemble. Unless you post your true name, how can we tell if your words are valid?
Author: Wildflowers
Date: 1999-07-02 18:00
Luminaries: Do I know you? Your comment on the recordings sounding un-heartfelt sounds all too familiar. I have discussed this before with someone...I just can't remember who. Anyway, I totally agree. It is so clean and safe, i'ts boring! Nothing exciting happens when you piece small sections together....most of the time, not even complete phrases....measures....sometimes even a single note! That's not music!
Author: Daniel
Date: 1999-07-02 19:57
Wildflowers wrote:
Luminaries: Do I know you? Your comment on the recordings sounding un-heartfelt sounds all too familiar. I have discussed this before with someone...I just can't remember who. Anyway, I totally agree. It is so clean and safe, i'ts boring! Nothing exciting happens when you piece small sections together....most of the time, not even complete phrases....measures....sometimes even a single note! That's not music!
Unfortunately, that's how most high level recording are done nowadays.
Author: Mark Charette
Date: 1999-07-02 20:27
Daniel wrote:
Unfortunately, that's how most high level recording are done nowadays.
This "quest for perfection" goes back to the first days of recording, when it became possible to redo a piece of music - at first, a whole movement, later smaller parts. It we who have demanded the perfection that is seldom realized live, more than the musicians. The demand for perfection goes far beyond just music; how many people accept misshapen tomatoes or radishes with wormholes?
It was a dream of musicians, though, for a long time, to "take back" that nickeled note. Now they can. Have you ever dreamt about redoing that recital piece where you flubbed a part? If you were selling the recording - wouldn't you re-take the part if you could?
Author: Daniel
Date: 1999-07-02 20:41
Mark Charette wrote:
Daniel wrote:
Unfortunately, that's how most high level recording are done nowadays.
This "quest for perfection" goes back to the first days of recording, when it became possible to redo a piece of music - at first, a whole movement, later smaller parts. It we who have demanded the perfection that is seldom realized live, more than the musicians. The demand for perfection goes far beyond just music; how many people accept misshapen tomatoes or radishes with wormholes?
It was a dream of musicians, though, for a long time, to "take back" that nickeled note. Now they can. Have you ever dreamt about redoing that recital piece where you flubbed a part? If you were selling the recording - wouldn't you re-take the part if you could?
I understand this. I was merely trying to point out to Wildflowers that their recording projects aren't the only times such cut and paste is done.
Author: Wildflowers
Date: 1999-07-02 21:03
I am fully aware of the whole recording scene....but is it necessary to have about 30 takes of one phrase and totally reconstruct it using all 30 takes? how reasonable is that? I don't know of any other colleges or semi-professional ensembles that use the technology to that extent. I think that is going overboard. Eastman releases live recordings that are exceptional! Why does the NT Wind Symphony have to splice every other note to get a good recording? Is the Eastman Wind Ensemble just THAT much better than the NTWS? Probably so.
Author: Bum's Rush
Date: 1999-07-05 23:26
Mark Charrete
Your name is not worth spelling correctly. you are such a hypocrite!!! this is America...and we have the 1st amendment. I read nothing in cherry, and whoever you think wrote "awful" language in their comments about Corpy that was is their opinion and they should be entitled to say what they want freely. I think there should be warnings and postings of rules so people will be aware of what kind of discussion they are coming into....
I could care less if you "own" this stupid web page. I am not a clarinetist...but I am a musician who likes to get on various web pages and learn more about different instruments. I am a student at UNT and I have worked with Mr. Corporon and even though I did not play in the WS...I did work with him and I believe what everyone is really difficult to stand the 3-4 hour long rehearsals for only 2 concerts a semester and 1 recording project.....WHAT A BUNCH OF BALONEY!!!!
Hey...I think all of you who play in the WS should not complain. Stop being a bunch of whiny babies and do what that stupid contract says for you to do. If you don't like it...don't do it....this is America in the lab bands...sing in the choir....make your own group....just quit complaining about how life is soooo unfair because you get to work with Eugene and that you can put his name and the name of the WS in your resume.
for those of you who are complaining about how the audition process is unfair.....I am more than positive that this is the case everywhere. It really doesn't matter if there is a screen or if Eugene and Dennis get to look at your legs.....
IT IS JUST COLLEGE FOR CRYING OUT LOUD!!! You all said it are not getting paid. I think it is sooo funny that everyone is complaining about how they are getting passed over for the girl who baked him cookies...but yet...they are probably kicking themselves 'cause they didn't think of it first!!!!!
I truly believe that if you really wanna make it in the music with it!!! This is the way it is....instead of complaining about how unfair the world is...and instead of putting up with arrogant people like Mark Charete....I suggest you stop getting on this stupid web page and PRACTICE!!!! A friend of mine once said...."the one who works the hardest wins" I take this to heart. If things don't go your way...don't complain...and don't give up....learn from the experience and keep working!!
It is about the passion...not about who plays in what ensemble.
I think that Mark should practice more instead of telling other Americans what they can do with their comments.
Author: Mark Charette, Webmaster
Date: 1999-07-05 23:36
Bum's Rush wrote:
<br>Mark Charrete
<br>Your name is not worth spelling correctly. you are such a hypocrite!!! this is America...and we have the 1st amendment. I read nothing in cherry, and whoever you think wrote "awful" language in their comments about Corpy that was inappropriate.
<br>That's because the obscenities were deleted.
<br>By the way - the 1st amendment only allows you to say what you want on your own "newspaper", not say what you want on other people's "newspapers". But of course, you didn't know that ...
<br>And, of course, there's defamation. Just because you can "say" anything doesn't make it right - and sometimes you'll have to pay.
<br>I also have a <b>lot</b> more respect for people who sign their real names and give real email addresses (not those anonymous "hotmail" accounts, either). If you want to "talk the talk", you need to "walk the walk". I don't hide behind some anonymous email name - why do you? For all your talk in your posting, I'd think you'd be proud to let everyone know who you are.
<br>Hey, I have a great idea. Go spend some of your own time & money and start your own BBoard.
Author: Stephanie E.
Date: 1999-07-06 00:08
Dear Mark,
Why must you get so offended when people strongly disagree with you or your webpage rules? It seems as though you always have to have the last word and make comments that put down people's intelligence. So what if he didn't want to spell your name correctly or that he didn't know all the legalities of the first amendment? If he [Bum Rush] didn't have anything to add to the topic, you would have deleted his message. Or did you just allow his message to pass through just so you could correct him and let everyone read about it? I understand that this is a family oriented site, and I respect that, but I don't see the difference in using a few obscenities or lashing out at people in a politically correct manner, if it all means the same thing.
Stephanie E.
Author: Mark Charette
Date: 1999-07-06 00:19
Stephanie E. wrote:
If he [Bum Rush] didn't have anything to add to the topic, you would have deleted his message. Or did you just allow his message to pass through just so you could correct him and let everyone read about it?
he or she - I have no idea.
I have never deleted a message because I disagreed with it. Please check the "rules" again.
As for the lecture on the 1st Amendment - if someone brings it up, then they should know what they're talking about. After all, they're college students, right? I went over the Constitution back in middle/high school, and I can still remember the salient points - after over 30 years.
I understand that this is a family oriented site, and I respect that, but I don't see the difference in using a few obscenities or lashing out at people in a politically correct manner, if it all means the same thing.
I see a huge difference between disagreeing and using obscenities. I also see spiteful, hateful messages in this thread, seldom with Mr. Corporon's side being brought forward. I see a number of UNT students blasting Mr. Corporon. It gets tedious - this is not a UNT Bulletin Board.
Author: birdsongs
Date: 1999-07-06 19:11
hey mark-i guess stephanie e. proved her point. thanks for responding.
Author: birdsongs
Date: 1999-07-06 19:11
hey mark-i guess stephanie e. proved her point. thanks for responding.
Author: captain (deleted)
Date: 1999-07-07 00:47
Dear all my fellow classmates at U.N.T., I truly understand the problamatic situation with the audition process in the wind studies department. The question is what can be done about it? One might say that a petition or some sort of protest might cause an awkening in the minds of those that audition us. I do not think this would work and would simply be a waste of time. So, either you can transfer to a different school or conservatory and try your luck with the big boys, or you can shut up and practice. The choice is yours! As for this censoring Nazi web master, sir get the chopsticks out of your <I>deleted</i> and allow the people to voice their opinions. Or, you can move to a country like Iraq where you can help censor the population with Saddam Husein. The choice is yours! Finaly, to everybody out there whoever wants some naked pictures of me write back!
Author: Mark Charette
Date: 1999-07-07 01:27
captain (deleted) wrote:
Dear UNT adolescents,
Please find another place to vent until you clean up your mouths.
All those adults from UNT who have something to contribute to real discussions <i><b>about the clarinet</b></i>, please feel welcome.
If you don't like the way I edit and maintain this BBoard, please find a place more amenable to your desires.
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