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 RE: Clarinet Lyre for marching
Author: kdk 
Date:   2022-05-18 03:05

Sidelines wrote:
> but
> can't fit any of the lyres on and still be able to get that
> left hand C. Nobody else in the band has an answer for me on
> this, neither do the people in the store where I bought the
> clarinet.
> Is this a good excuse to buy a new clarinet (if so, what kind?)

My answer would be another question: is there a passage in your marching band music that isn't playable without the lefthand C - i.e. sliding between RH C and Eb? It's not an ideal way to play those two notes, and going up from RH C to Eb isn't nearly as easy as going down. But I've had any number of students over the years who were very happy never using LH C unless I stopped them and nagged about it.

You might be able to get it to be stable mounted around the bell ring.

Or, there are wrist lyres and lyres that are attached to wood slats that you hold under your arm, both used often by flute players, sometimes by trombone players.

A third possibility might be to have the LH C mechanism adjusted to clear the ring on the standard lyre. The key would probably end up higher than you're used to and might be hard to find in a technical passage.

I certainly wouldn't buy a new clarinet over this issue. :)


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 Re: Clarinet Lyre for marching  new
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