Author: Ursa
Date: 2022-05-16 19:16
Whoa, Donald, let's not start a fight here.
Tuning accuracy with today's commonly available mouthpieces was a prime consideration when I made my suggestions above.
As today's student clarinets continue to evolve towards the R13 idiom, the selection of affordable and available mouthpieces that provide both a modern, focused tone and reasonably accurate intonation with the large-bore instruments of decades past continues to dwindle. Therein lies the rub.
The Bundy 1400 in my studio, an acoustic twin to your Buescher Aristocrat, yielded its most accurate tuning and best overall tone with a Woodwind Company Steel Ebonite G7. With the G7, that clarinet really sang, was easy to play in tune, and would have been appropriate for use in most any situation. Good luck finding a WWCo G7 today that isn't trashed.
The Selmer (Paris) mouthpieces that worked decently with the Bundy/Aristocrat are no longer made, and were expensive towards the end of their run.
That leaves just the B45 and Pyne PolyCrystal out there as reliable, affordable solutions for the older, large-bore instruments.
With the instruments mentioned in the "Mostly Classical" category, it's extremely likely that the OP's favorite mouthpiece and reed setup will play well in tune with any model listed.