The Clarinet BBoard
Author: Baz
Date: 2013-06-10 10:07
I asked this question a few years ago.
I am a very enthusiastic photographer and people see me with different cameras all the time, so I am often asked the question how many do I have, I reply try asking a guitarist how many guitars he has, so obviously my BB board question is how many clarinets do you have?
Boehm System. 6 all Bb
Albert System. 7 Bb's Eb A and C all keys used regularly.
Post Edited (2013-06-10 10:07)
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Author: Barry Vincent
Date: 2013-06-10 10:38
Amati Kraslice Full Boehm (Ebony) A ACL 675,
Amati Kraslice Full Boehm (Ebony) Bb ACL 605.
T. Ridenour Lyrique (Ebonite ) Bb RCP-576 BC
Jupiter JCL-631-II (Plastic) Bb
W. Schreiber 6010s (Plastic) Bb
All my Clarinets are in constant use. My main instrument is the Lyrique.
The two plastic Clarinets are my 'knock-abouts' and the Amati Clarinets are also used , especially the A which is used mainly as a "C instrument"
I don't collect Clarinets just for the sake of collecting them as I always keep in mind that for every instrument you own, means one more instrument to maintain.
I've settled in nicely with the instruments that I own at present. No doubt there is always other Clarinets that would be nice to own but one must draw the line somewhere.
It's all a matter with being contented with what one has. I was 68 last March , life is getting short for me.
Post Edited (2013-06-10 10:40)
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Author: tictactux ★2017
Date: 2013-06-10 12:26
Leblanc Contra (EEb) 352, straight (non-paperclip)
Jupiter 675S Bass
Artley 38s (Bundy Clone) Bass
Bundy Alto
SML Marigaux in A
SML Marigaux in Bb (2x)
Marigaux RS in Bb
Hanson RG1 in Bb (current main instrument)
Noblet Metal in Bb
Vito VSP in Bb
Amati 251 in C
Bundy Eb
plus some project horns.
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Author: modernicus
Date: 2013-06-10 12:46
Yamaha CS Bb early 1990's
Excelsior Bb LP Boehm sold by Carl Fischer, probably Couesnon 1890-1920's w/donut key
Alexandre Paris Bb LP Boehm 4 piece metal early 1900's
Edmond Chedeville C LP Boehm 1890's-1920's
Buffet Eb LP Boehm 1906 w/integrated barrel and one piece body
J.T.L. Bb HP Boehm c. 1880
J.T.L. Bb HP Boehm c. 1890 Model Supreme
J.T.L. Bb HP Albert c. 1880's
Post Edited (2013-06-10 12:50)
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Author: SteveG_CT
Date: 2013-06-10 15:48
I've usually got a couple dozen at any given time. The current collection is as follows:
Bb Clarinets:
2 x Selmer CT enhanced boehm (18/7)
Selmer CT Omega enhanced boehm
Selmer RI enhanced boehm (metal)
Selmer K-series (17/7)
Leblanc Dynamique enhanced boehm
Leblanc LL
Penzel Mueller Clari-Met (double-walled metal)
Penzel Mueller Artist enchanced boehm
Penzel Mueller Super Brilliante
Penzel Mueller Brilliante
Penzel Mueller Studio Recording Model
Penzel Mueller early professional model (no model name)
CG Conn 524N (metal)
HN White Cleveland (metal)
HN WHite Silver King (metal)
H Bettoney Silva-Bet (17/6 metal)
H Bettoney Silva-Bet (17/7 metal)
Boosey & Hawkes 2-20
Harry Pedler professional model (metal)
A Clarinets:
Selmer M-series enhanced boehm (18/7)
Boosey & Hawkes Edgeware (hard rubber)
GH Huller full boehm
Bass clarinet:
Pedler Custombuilt
Contra Alto Clarinet:
Leblanc Vito
Post Edited (2013-06-10 15:50)
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Author: Tony F
Date: 2013-06-10 16:17
B & H 926 Imperial Bb
B & H 926 Imperial Bb Hard Rubber
B & H 1010 Bb
B & H Emperor Bb
B & H Emperor Bb Hard Rubber
B & H Edgware Bb X 2
Besson Westminster Bb
JTL LP Boehm Bb Circa 1900
Buffet E11 Bb
Selmer Paris Omega Bb
Conn Metal Bb
Maker unknown C Albert system
Preufer Silver Throat Bb
RSR C Plastic
Couesnon Monopole Bb
Plus various other for sale or restoration.
Tony F.
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Author: Bill
Date: 2013-06-11 03:25
Buffet Bb (1894) 714H
Buffet Bb (1935) 19764
Buffet Bb (1936) 21634
Buffet Bb (1938) 25061
Buffet Bb (1946?) 29976
Buffet Bb (1967) 93406
Buffet A (1967) 95826
Selmer Paris Brevete S.G.D.G. Bb (1915?) 2741
Selmer Paris Brevete S.G.D.G. Bb (1924?) K2790
Selmer Paris Bb (1931) L296
Selmer Paris Bb ("Radio Improved") (1932) L2569
Selmer Paris Bb ("Balanced Tone") (1935) L5635
Selmer Paris Bb (“55”) (1945) M6450
Selmer Paris Bb (1946) M8448
Selmer Paris Bb (1949) N5922
Selmer Paris Bb (“Centered Tone”) (1954) P9855
Boosey & Hawkes ("1010") (1980) 508514
Leblanc Bb (“Dynamique”) (before 1955) 4325
Leblanc Bb ("Symphonie") (?) 4971
E. Albert (Simple system); no serial number
Marigaux/SML Bb (195?) 4928
Leon Trotte Bb (19??) 798
Bill Fogle
Ellsworth, Maine
(formerly Washington, DC)
Post Edited (2013-06-11 03:26)
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Author: Bobby McClellan
Date: 2013-06-11 03:57
Buffet R13 Bb
Yamaha YCL34 Bb
Backun Alpha Bb
Buffet E11 A
Ridenour Basset A (selling this week)
Amanti 351 C
Woodwind Eb
Leblanc Paris Alto
Leblanc Paris Basset Horn
Leblanc Paris Bass to Low C
Ridenour EEb Contra
Ridenour BBb Contra
Bobby M. McClellan
Flowood, MS
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Author: bradfordlloyd
Date: 2013-06-11 10:25
Bb clarinets
1960 Buffet R-13 (main horn)
1950s Dolnet
1960s Magniere (SML stencil)
1920s Penzel Mueller Artist
1930s Kohlert Graslitz Full Boehm
1940s A Fontaine Hard Rubber (Couesnon)
A Clarinet
1920s Penzel Mueller Artist
C Clarinet
Forte (made by Amati)
Alto Clarinet
1950s Kohlert Winnenden
Bass Clarinet
1950s (?) Olds Special (Malerne Stencil)
Contra Alto
1960s Selmer/Bundy
Eb Clarinet
1920s Martin Freres
1920s Metal Bettoney
Ab Clarinet
1920s Rampone & Cazzani
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Author: rs11gps
Date: 2013-07-29 02:07
Just 6: (but all are restored and playing)
1908 Buffet Model 8 Simple System
Yamaha YCL-SE Custom
Yamaha YCL-550AL
Penzel-Mueller Full Boehm Bb LP
Vito Eb
Solotone metal Bb
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Author: gemini-clarinet
Date: 2013-07-29 05:05
Buffet - Early 1900s w/ wrap around register key
Buffet - 1937 - Full Boehm
Selmer K series
Selmer: 1928 - Full Boehm
Selmer Series 9*
Selmer 10S
McIntyre System (early 1960s)
Normandy Wood Plateau
Bundy - Mazzeo System
Buffet - 1920s - Extended Boehm
Buffet - 1937 - Extended Boehm
Selmer 10S
Selmer Centered Tone
Tucson, AZ
Post Edited (2013-07-29 16:06)
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Author: Ursa
Date: 2013-07-29 14:35
Boosey & Hawkes 1-10
Boosey & Hawkes 8-10
Buescher "The Buescher"
Bundy 1400
Conn 11N Alto
Moennig Bros. "Artist"
Normandy Original Model (two)
Normandy 11 (two)
Normandy 14P
Pan American 884N
Pruefer Festival Six-20 w/nice nickel-silver keywork
Pruefer Festival Six-20 w/yucky brass keywork
Pruefer "Special Model"
Ridenour RCP-576BC
Vito 7214
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Author: Chris P
Date: 2013-07-29 15:01
Let's see if I can remember what I've got lying about the place (keywork configuration in brackets):
Eb clarinets:
Buffet R13 (17/6)
Selmer Z-series Series 9 (20/7)
C clarinets:
Lyons plastic C clarinet (simplified Boehm system)
Bb clarinets:
B&H Regent (17/6)
B&H Regent II (17/6 - same as a Buffet B12)
Yamaha YCL-24 (18/7 - w/added forked Eb/Bb mech and LH Ab/Eb lever)
B&H Marlborough (17/6 - same as an Edgware/Series 2-20 - in pieces)
Buffet R13 (20/7)
Leblanc LL (20/7)
Selmer K-series (20/7)
Selmer N-series Bb (19/7)
Selmer R-series CT (20/7)
Selmer U-series Series 9 (20/7)
Selmer V-series Series 9* (19/7)
Selmer A-series Series 9 (20/7)
Adler 'Caradl' simple German system
Yamaha YCL-657 Oehler system (24/5)
A clarinets:
Selmer (17/5 oval logo w/perforated fingerplate for RH1)
Selmer P-series CT (19/7)
Selmer S-series Series 9 (20/7)
Selmer V-series Series 9* (19/7)
Alto clarinets:
Leblanc (in pieces)
Leblanc (in pieces)
Yamaha YCL-631 (w/added LH Ab/Eb lever and floor spike)
Basset horns:
Selmer (early wing/globe oval logo ring key model)
Buffet RC Prestige
Bass clarinets:
Buffet Prestige low C
Former oboe finisher
Howarth of London
1998 - 2010
The opinions I express are my own.
Post Edited (2013-07-29 16:57)
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Author: johntownley
Date: 2016-05-11 20:14
Hello Anthony,
This is a two-year-late addition, but how is your Alexandre Paris Bb LP Boehm 4 piece metal early 1900's?
Very happy with my Holton pro sterling-keyed monster that might be a Silva-Bet stencil...
Curious about the Alexandre, what's its story?...
John Townley, Sea Cliff, NY
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Author: Roxann
Date: 2016-05-12 04:23
OK...Thanks for sharing this information. I'm going to quit feeling guilty for having five clarinets:
1950's Selmer Bundy (for Shrine Circus parades!)
LeBlanc Bliss (grenadilla / silver)
Buffet R13
Leblanc Noblet 45 Eb
Ridenour C (my latest acquisition for doubling in musicals on flute, piccolo, and oboe and loving it!)
I guess the motto of this group is "There's no such thing as too many clarinets!" I'm joining your group:)
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Author: GeorgeL ★2017
Date: 2016-05-12 19:21
"I guess the motto of this group is "There's no such thing as too many clarinets!" I'm joining your group:)"
I have one Buffet R13 Greenline and one Selmer Model 30 bass clarinet.
My wife would not agree with your motto.
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Author: super20dan
Date: 2021-12-22 07:45
eb conn 36n
A robert paris
c conn albert hard rubber
buffet r13
leblanc LL
leblanc symphony
normandy reso-tone
normandy playeau x2
vito dazzler-white
conn hard rubber 7 ring
conn 424n
prufer silverthroat x2
selmer k 7ring
selmer BT
bundy mazzeo
noblet metal
selmer metal 2peice body
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Author: SunnyDaze
Date: 2021-12-22 16:20
I have three:
EJ Albert Bb clarinet
Yamaha Custom CX Bb clarinet
Normandy Resotone Bb clarinet
This is a great thread. I also no longer feel guilty about having too many.
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Author: super20dan
Date: 2021-12-22 17:39
sunny-no takers for the resotone? i just repadded mine and added a good quality wood barrel and bell and it made a huge difference in its tone. its a keeper now . good for outdoor gigs etc
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Author: Djudy
Date: 2021-12-24 17:19
oh dear, this means I have to clean my music room and count... enough metals alone to sink a ship!
let me say that for those of us interested in vintage instruments this is a cool thread because some are not very well known and even less played and this way you can find someone with a similar instrument if help is needed.
My modern instruments for concert band use are :
Bb - Buffet Crampon RC Prestige with a backum barrel and Larry Combes/Woodwind mpc (I have previously used a BC R13 from 1972, BC S1, Marigaux SML, BC E13, this last being the only one passed to another player)
A - Marigaux SML with a customized vintage wooden mpc (certainly pre-2000)
Eb alto - Selmer with a B40 mpc because that's what it likes
I'd like to get a little Eb is anyone has any suggestions.
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Author: super20dan
Date: 2021-12-24 18:31
for a cheap eb -i recommend the bundy. i have one and it outplays my other 2 pro models .
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Author: SunnyDaze
Date: 2021-12-24 19:04
super20dan - No takers yet. Part of the problem is that I'm in the UK and and most of the forum members are in the US. The postage costs for a clarinet to go to the US are pretty steep.
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Author: jdbassplayer
Date: 2021-12-24 19:11
Let’s see...
Orsi Ab
Buffet R13 Eb
Kruspe D
Malerne C
Buffet B12 Bb
Buffet Tosca Bb
Buffet Full Boehm R13 Bb
Fritz Wurlitzer Bb
Buffet R13 A (with Ridenour basset joint)
G “clarinet d’amore” with low C extension
Buffet “Professional” basset horn
Buffet “Professional” alto clarinet
Kohlert metal alto clarinet
Buffet Bass clarinet in C
Buffet Bass clarinet in Bb
Buffet Prestige Bass clarinet in Bb low C
Buffet Bass clarinet in A
Selmer contra alto clarinet in Eb
Leblanc 340 contrabass clarinet in Bb, originally to low D now to low C
Most I restored myself.
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Author: super20bu6
Date: 2022-01-02 21:03
Bettoney Bb
LaCroix Full Boehm
Patricola Bb (main Bb Clarinet)
Selmer Series 22 Alto Clarinet
Leblanc Low C Bass
Orpheo Low C Bass
Kessler 2nd gen Midnight Bass Clarinet (being shipped)
Selmer Bundy Eb Contra Alto
Leblanc Bb Contrabass Paperclip to Low C
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Author: MichaelW
Date: 2022-01-04 01:44
At present I have 11 clarinets:
C.Kruspe Erfurt vor 1875 C German 4 Ringe
F.A.Uebel (8642) 1936 Bb Oehler o.B.
H.N.White (109529) 1928 Bb Boehm Silver King
Goulding ca. 1820 Bb? 5 Klappen
Dolnet Paris vor 1970 Bb Boehm
C.Kruspe Erfurt 1920-25 C German 4 Ringe
F.A.Uebel (15002) 1955 Bb German 18/5
E.J.Albert Bruxelles vor 1931 Bb Albert HP
Association des ouvriers ca 1905 Bb Boehm
NN 19.Jh. Vienna? C (A = 460)
NN (Hüller?) ca. 1920 A German 4 Ringe
They are either professionally overhauled or restored by myself. I am playing mainly the F.A. Uebel 18/5.
Besides, I have three recorders:
Roessler 1977 Oberlender F
Dolmetsch (14043) 1967 Bressan Tenor C
Kobliczek/Hammann 2016 Renaiss. Sopran C
Over time I have sold or donated 26 more.
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Author: shmuelyosef
Date: 2022-01-09 03:29
#Backun Alpha
#Boosey & Hawkes 1-10 1964
#Boosey & Hawkes 1-10 1964
#Buffet R13 389438 1994
#Buffet R13 147941 1974
#Buffet R13 512437 2003
#Leblanc Dynamique 1952
Leblanc Vito 7214 1984
Leblanc Vito 7214 1995
Leblanc Vito V40 1995
#Leblanc Vito V40 1999
#Leblanc VSP 1992
#Selmer Aristocrat - CL601 2001
#Selmer Artys 2008
Selmer Centered Tone 1952
Selmer Centered Tone 7-ring 1953
Selmer Series 9 1964
Yamaha YCL-SE Custom 1992
...and a Yamaha 221 Bass
NOTE: Hash mark are clarinets that I have sold during the pandemic
Post Edited (2022-01-09 03:39)
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The Clarinet Pages