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 wooden clarinet
Author: trish 
Date:   2001-07-18 17:44

Our daughter is going into 10th grade and has a plastic student Selmer. We were advised to upgrade the mouthpiece with a Vandorn 5RV Lyre. Any opinions on these? Also she auditioned and got into Wind Ensemble section, and it is recommended she have a wooden clarinet. Teachers mentioned the Buffet clarinets. Any suggestions as to new, used, where to buy and brands? She will be in band thru high school but is not sure about going into college band. Thanks for any help.

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 wooden clarinet  new
trish 2001-07-18 17:44 
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Ken Shaw 2001-07-18 18:27 
 RE: wooden clarinet  new
Eb 2001-07-18 20:19 
 RE: wooden clarinet  new
Dee 2001-07-18 20:30 
 RE: wooden clarinet  new
willie 2001-07-19 07:19 
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Brenda Siewert 2001-07-19 15:20 
 RE: wooden clarinet  new
Jack Kissinger 2001-07-19 22:38 
 E11 question  new
RI mom 2006-08-14 22:18 
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mw 2001-07-19 22:57 
 RE: wooden clarinet  new
C. Hogue 2001-07-20 20:03 
 RE: wooden clarinet  new
Roger 2001-07-22 17:30 
 Re: wooden clarinet  new
Bob A 2006-08-14 23:29 
 Re: wooden clarinet  new
clarinet@55 2006-08-15 01:38 
 Re: wooden clarinet  new
Vytas 2006-08-15 02:56 
 Re: wooden clarinet  new
clarinet@55 2006-08-15 23:32 
 Re: wooden clarinet  new
Jack Kissinger 2006-08-16 02:31 
 Re: wooden clarinet  new
BobD 2006-08-16 13:36 
 Re: wooden clarinet  new
DressedToKill 2006-08-16 13:55 
 Re: wooden clarinet  new
Bob A 2006-08-16 13:57 
 Re: wooden clarinet  new
ElBlufer 2006-08-16 14:37 

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