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 Re: Looking for older mouthpiece
Author: Dan Shusta 
Date:   2018-01-30 07:24

I did some researching but couldn't find any leads to an ED2. I found on old BB thread which states that the ED2 tip opening is 1.09mm. No idea as to the facing length. http://test.woodwind.org/clarinet/BBoard/read.html?f=1&i=290797&t=290797

If you can find an old ED1, which has a tip opening of 1.04mm, I believe a good refacer could easily open it up while maintaining the curve symmetry.

Eddie has teamed up with Morrie Backun and is producing a "jazz" model which retails for around $250. However, the tip opening on this new model is 1.13mm. https://www.kesslerandsons.com/product/backun-eddie-daniels-clarinet-mouthpiece/

Good luck in your search!

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