Author: Tony Pay ★2017
Date: 2017-10-30 22:03
Liquorice wrote:
>> Tony- in the link you posted, you mentioned wanting to avoid transposing “that way round”. The parts I have are for C clarinet (except the beginning of the 2nd movement, which has a low E on the B-flat clarinet). Did you play this piece on B-flat clarinet?? >>
On C, apart from those few bars (26?), which I played on the Bb.
I had, I seem to remember, a 'proper' printed part that was entirely transposed for Bb clarinet, and a 'crappy' part that might even have been cut out physically from a score and photocopied. So rather than transpose the decent Bb clarinet part 'the other way around from usual' (I'd of course learnt to transpose C parts on the Bb clarinet routinely as a young player) I decided to put the whole piece into Sibelius and give myself a better performing experience.
You probably now have better parts than I did at the time.
I haven't heard the Boxwood and Brass Beethoven disc, but I liked very much another that they did of pieces by Tausch and others.
I'm not particularly taken with Casale's effort. Of course he deserves to be congratulated; but in fact the fingering problems yield to practice without that much difficulty. On the other hand, he accepts the tonal characteristics of his instrument too readily for my taste; so a note with a 'hooty' quality comes out always as hooty without regard to its musical significance. You need to play both 'against' as well as 'with' the tendencies of your instrument, and of course an excellent player always does so on both early and modern instruments.
If you realise that, of course, then you see that much of what is written here about THE sounds of instruments, mouthpieces, etc is just rubbish from naive players.
I haven't recently taken on the current purveyors of this criminal attitude because I've realised over the years that it's a losing battle on the BBoard.