The Clarinet BBoard
Author: Ed Palanker
Date: 2010-06-19 03:06
I must admit when I read your question I assumed you meant the high b and c above the staff but now I realize you're asking about the altissimo register, above those notes. I don't play the Recital series but I do play the Signature and several notes have the same problem, which I understand is common with this model. The way I overcome this problem is as follows. The high E is flat, I use the side key throat G# when ever I play the high E, the F above is also flat so I either do the same with the F or I use the fork, K, key in the RH when playing the high F. The F# is also flat, as it is with any clarinet I've ever played so I use either the Fork key here too in the RH but use one of the alternate side key fingerings when ever possible. I have them on my website in the fingering chart. The G and above I use fingerings that are not flat. There are many fingerings for the G on my chart as well. Sorry about my misunderstanding, I hope this helps. If you need any more help with this feel free to e-mail me directly. ESP
PS, it could still be that you're not voicing properly or your reed is too soft to get the proper support up there.
Post Edited (2010-06-19 03:10)
mikeyarbulu |
2010-06-18 19:15 |
Bob Bernardo |
2010-06-18 21:39 |
Ed Palanker |
2010-06-18 21:52 |
mrn |
2010-06-18 22:58 |
Paul Aviles |
2010-06-18 23:09 |
Ed Palanker |
2010-06-19 03:06 |
Bassie |
2010-06-19 10:02 |
William |
2010-06-19 14:45 |
William |
2010-06-19 17:35 |
kdk |
2010-06-19 15:16 |
Bassie |
2010-06-19 17:57 |
mikeyarbulu |
2010-06-19 20:15 |
mrn |
2010-06-21 17:00 |
salzo |
2010-06-21 18:02 |
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