The Clarinet BBoard
Author: Dutch Clarinettist
Date: 2009-10-09 06:01
I'm thinking about ordering several barrels of Chadash. It will cost a lot of money. I will order by using Paypal. What is your experience with it? Does Mister Chadash deliver well? How much time needs the delivering? Are the barrels in good condition?
Thank you for answering!
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Author: Paul Globus
Date: 2009-10-09 08:13
You can trust Mr. Chadash. He is a complete professional and whatever he makes or repairs is first class. Without question he is one of the most skilled and experienced clarinet makers there is. You will not have any problems. His ringless barrels are superb, worth every penny.
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Author: Bartmann
Date: 2009-10-09 14:48
Hij is betrouwbaar. Maar met de zwakke dollar, zou het werkelijk goedkoop moeten zijn.
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Author: JamesOrlandoGarcia
Date: 2009-10-09 16:16
Completely trustworthy. To be honest, your post title could be seen as a little offensive. It implies off the bat that somehow he isn't trustworthy.
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Author: sfalexi
Date: 2009-10-09 19:39
JamesOrlandoGarcia wrote:
> Completely trustworthy. To be honest, your post title could be
> seen as a little offensive. It implies off the bat that
> somehow he isn't trustworthy.
I think the original poster is just trying to protect his or herself. I mean, if she lives across the seas, that's a lot of money to be sending for shipping and whatnot. But yes, to Dutch Clarinettist, you can definitely trust Mr. Chadash. 100% professional.
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Author: tonyl
Date: 2009-10-10 00:04
Yes, Dutch Clarinettist post does sound a little blunt. But English might not be his primary language.
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Author: Iceland clarinet
Date: 2009-10-10 00:28
Well I got 5 mouthpiece for I trial once without any deposit even for the shipping. Of course I kept the mouthpiece for couple of days(3-4) made my mind up sent the once I didn't want back and payed for those two I kept right away. I think that this mouthpiece craftsman was very brave to do his business that way and I don't mind pay full deposit for all the pieces I get for a trial.
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Author: Ron
Date: 2009-10-10 22:53
Guy Chadash is 100% trustworthy. He recently did a major repair and overhaul on an old Buffet R13 that was essentially unplayable before I sent it to him. His work is abolutely outstanding. I would recommend him to anyone. He is honest, dependable and kept me informed about the job.
Ronald Penn
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Author: kev182
Date: 2009-10-11 02:02
It seems my dealing with Chadash has been very different from other people. I am VERY dissatisfied with his service.
Last year I ordered 2 ringless barrels from him. He said it would take some time to send because he said "Dan Gilbert was going to pick them"... that sounded promising so I waited. and waited. A few weeks later he said that "Steve Barta was choosing a pair" .... ok. A week later I finally received the barrels. First of all, there was a gap in between the top of the barrel and my mouthpiece, not a huge deal, but a little annoying as the A barrel was fine. I emailed Chadash asking if he could fix the problem, he refused and said anyone could do it and he would not waste his time fixing such a small problem. I went on to test the barrels and they simply DID NOT work for my clarinet. Intonation was worse, and I did not like the sound or feel of either. I asked Mr. Chadash if I could return these and try some more. Shockingly, he REFUSED to accept them back blaming the deficiencies of the barrel on me. He said if they were good for Steve Barta they should be good for you. First of all, Steve Barta plays on Chadash clarinets which are COMPLETELY different from my R13s and I would expect Chadash to realize more than anyone else that each player has his own needs and tastes:
[Snipped - GBK ]
He then went on to say that... he had a bad feeling about me before I ordered from him... said that his barrels are played through out the world (lots of name dropping) and said that he wont play "This marketing game"... he said that his products DO NOT have intonation problems. I will save the rest because it is ridiculous. In desperation he finally said that I should contact Dan Gilbert as he was sure that either Dan himself or one of his students would be happy to take these barrels from me.
Dan Gilbert, who didn't want them for himself or his students and was confused as to why I would contact him. I see it that Chadash CHEATED ME OF $300 This is the WORST BUSINESS DEALING I HAVE EVER HAD IN MY LIFE. Be warned... UNBELIEVABLE. I'm sorry but this man has ego problems and was a nightmare to deal with. I have spoken with many other people that have had similar experiences...
Post Edited (2009-10-11 04:00)
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Author: ShazamaPajama
Date: 2009-10-18 07:47
i never did any business with chadash but if you were after the buffet chadash barrels (with rings) muncy winds has them, and i can not say enough good things about their service.Ed wrote:
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Author: JHBeCareful
Date: 2015-10-19 17:40
The short answer is no. I’ve known Guy Chadash for years and have worked with him several times. Eventually I gave up. The major reasons were: his personality, his overcharging, and most of all, his lack of ability despite his own fierce claims of great ability. Here are my impressions.
Out of everyone who I have ever met or worked with in classical music, Guy Chadash has one of the most unpleasant personalities I have ever encountered. Arrogant, angry, extremely reactive, bombastic, rude—forget the traditional rules of customer service or civility. In Chadash’s world, the customer is probably not right, Chadash is always right, and the customer must treat him as a living God when interacting with him. Imagine an even more unpleasant but completely humorless Donald Trump repairing your clarinet.
He has alienated so many famous professional clarinetists with his personality. He name drops like crazy when you talk to him, but reality is that most of the famous players who once worked with him gave up. I know of no MAJOR players based in New York City who regularly work with him, or who enjoy regularly working with him. I wonder if Guy Chadash could name one major orchestra Principal or soloist in Boston, New York, or Philadelphia who regularly works with him. If he is such a God-like technician and is based in New York City, shouldn’t there be at least one established soloist or orchestra Principal in the neighborhood who regularly works with him? There was a time when Ricardo Morales, Charles Neidich, Jon Manasse, Martin Frost, etc., worked with Chadash, but, per my knowledge, these players do not work with him regularly anymore, or they just entirely gave up trying to work with him….. So don’t be fooled by his name dropping.
Moreover, he also has the tendency to promise a client to complete a job at a certain price, but the price will keep getting higher and higher for whatever reason he decides. You put your clarinet in Chadash’s hands, and he alone— without the consultation of the player—decides what the instrument needs and how much you are going to pay him.
Regarding his repairwork—for simple adjustments, it’s probably fine albeit overpriced. However, for highly specialized work, it’s often extremely below average, because he will promise you that he can do things that he actually cannot do. He will charge you up the wazoo for things that he claims to be able to do and to be able to fix. But then, you get your instrument back from him, you paid a lot and his repairs and adjustments were completely ineffective. And who are you to argue with the living clarinet God, Guy Chadash? More than anything else, I think that this is really the main reason why many major orchestra principals and soloists stopped working with him--the unpleasant personality and overcharging then just become “piss taste” icing on a cake that already tastes like poo.
Everything I’m writing here is a true and an honest assessment of my experiences with him. I write anonymously because Chadash would come after me if he knew who was writing. He’s that kind of guy / Guy!
Work with Chadash at your own risk.
Post Edited (2015-10-19 17:56)
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Author: Lelia Loban ★2017
Date: 2015-10-19 20:15
I don't have any personal knowledge of Guy Chadash. In assessing the various replies, I notice that this thread dates back to 2009. The responses are mostly reassuring, with one major exception, until there's a leap forward to 2015 with a hugely negative, angry-looking comment.
Sorry, but I'm skeptical of a rant delivered anonymously, especially when it's so out of sync with previous replies. For all I know, the negativity may be 100% accurate . . . or 100% false, or anything in between. I hope that one of our "usual suspects" on this bulletin board will write about a recent experience with Guy Chadash and will do so using his or her normal identity.
To hear the audio, click on the "Scorch Plug-In" box above the score.
Post Edited (2015-10-19 20:16)
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Author: David Spiegelthal ★2017
Date: 2015-10-19 21:48
My experience with Mr. Chadash's work is limited solely to one Bb/A pair of his clarinets on which I did minor repairs for a customer, earlier this year. I was not impressed with either the general construction or playing qualities of those two particular instruments.
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Author: Zenia
Date: 2015-10-19 22:52
Lelia Loban said it best; and for a first time poster to dredge up a dated discussion is a bit suspect re: motives.
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Author: KenJarczyk
Date: 2015-10-20 03:10
My limited experience with Mr. Chadash was pleasant, and professional.
To the Chadash bashers - You make a Buffet barrel that half the World's clarinetists love to use, or maybe engineer a better clarinet, as well.
Ken Jarczyk
Woodwinds Specialist
Eb, C, Bb, A & Bass Clarinets
Soprano, Alto, Tenor & Baritone Saxophones
Flute, Alto Flute, Piccolo
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Author: ChuChu
Date: 2015-10-20 03:10
I agree with enjoyed JHBeCareful's detailed and articulate post about the experience with Mr. Chadash in Manhattan. His personality does come across as offensive and unpleasant and if you interact with him for even a short period you will get into arguments and develop bitterness that will anger you. This person does not know how to develop good relations with customers and has a peculiar personality. I did not like him after just one visit. He is also not trustworthy because he overcharges for repairs and his work was not satisfactory to me. He charged me 300 dollars for repadding my clarinet that was not even done very professionally. He used cork pads on the upper joint that was too hard and caused the key action to be clunky and loud. He used fish skin pads on the lower joint that made the clarinet play unevenly from the top to bottom. I do not trust this man with my clarinet and I never give it to him to work on anymore. There are better people out there for your clarinet needs.
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Author: rmk54
Date: 2015-10-20 03:42
Gee, I've been to Chadash several times, and he's always been friendly to me as well as my students. While he obviously has equipment to sell, I have never felt pressured to but anything.
The work he has done on my instruments has always been first-rate (my previous technicians have been Herb Kleeman, Hans Moennig and Bill/Linda Brannen).
I did get the idea that he doesn't put up with arrogant dilettantes. Judging from ChuChu's previous post...
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Author: James S
Date: 2015-10-20 06:25
Here's my only experience with him (reposted):
"I think this is the most appropriate place to share my only bad clarinet purchasing experience (and only Chadash experience). Two years ago I ordered a Chadash ringless barrel from him for 200 bucks. Despite his website's very clear description that each barrel "is made from the finest selection of aged Mozambiquean Mpingo wood from East Africa" the barrel I received was made of delrin (a hard plastic with its own acoustical properties some use to reinforce tone holes).
Not only was the barrel not of the promised material, the workmanship was iffy at best. When I unpacked the barrel a shaving of delrin fell out of the bore. Though the reaming was clean, that fact that he didn't even check to make sure there were not any loose chunks floating around in the packaging was a major red flag. Moreover the trademark created bulges in the delrin. I had to file those bumps down to keep the barrel's profile even. Though that's a visual oddity with no bearing on the products performance, it certainly showed a lack of care in manufacturing."
I never got an answer when I asked why the product was not of the promised material.
I'll let y'all judge if you can trust him on your own. XD
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