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 Re: using tenor sax reeds on a bass clarinet
Author: David Spiegelthal 2017
Date:   2007-09-21 14:05

Yes-- you can use tenor sax reeds in the same strength as bass clarinet reeds. Zondas work nicely on bass clarinet. Other good brands: Vandoren, Marca, Glotin (if they still make them, not sure), Rigotti (same caveat), Rico Grand Concert, Olivieri.

There is far more variation between individual reeds in a box, or between reeds of different brands, than there is between tenor sax and bass clarinet reeds (when available) of the same brand and strength. That's my story and I'm sticking with it. I've been using TS and BC reeds interchangeably on those two instruments for 30+ years, so speaking from experience.

Others may disagree, your mileage may vary, void where prohibited, must be 18 to order, yada yada yada..........

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 using tenor sax reeds on a bass clarinet  new
michinoku 2007-09-21 13:47 
 Re: using tenor sax reeds on a bass clarinet  new
David Spiegelthal 2007-09-21 14:05 
 Re: using tenor sax reeds on a bass clarinet  new
Hank Lehrer 2007-09-21 14:11 
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kilo 2007-09-21 15:10 
 Re: using tenor sax reeds on a bass clarinet  new
DavidBlumberg 2007-09-21 16:01 
 Re: using tenor sax reeds on a bass clarinet  new
davyd 2007-09-21 17:59 
 Re: using tenor sax reeds on a bass clarinet  new
Roger Aldridge 2007-09-22 13:49 
 Re: using tenor sax reeds on a bass clarinet  new
Vrat 2007-09-22 16:27 
 Re: using tenor sax reeds on a bass clarinet  new
Michelle 2007-09-22 22:43 
 Re: using tenor sax reeds on a bass clarinet  new
stagehand 2007-09-24 01:21 
 Re: using tenor sax reeds on a bass clarinet  new
Hank Lehrer 2007-09-24 02:23 
 Re: using tenor sax reeds on a bass clarinet  new
jmsa 2007-09-24 03:01 
 Re: using tenor sax reeds on a bass clarinet  new
David Spiegelthal 2007-09-24 03:08 
 Re: using tenor sax reeds on a bass clarinet  new
clarnibass 2007-09-24 08:36 

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