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 Trouble with Register Transition
Author: OTLC 
Date:   2007-08-29 20:13

I am a newbie (but old timer) learning clarintet via a teacher using the Rubank Elementary Method. I was doing fine in the low register but all of a sudden Lesson 11 goes to the upper register and I was doing pretty good in upper register alone until I reached the C scale ascending/descending portion which required going from mid A to B natural/ or reverse. My teacher has taught me the roll and drop when transitioning from mid A to B natural/ or reverse with the first finger. The coordination of the remaining left hand fingers and thumb with the keys and O. K. with the transition has got me stymied. I get no sound or barely a squeak after the transition. With quarter notes I just can't get it. With whole notes I have minut time to fiddle with the hole coverings to MAYBE get a sound. Lesson 12 is totally register change scales with multiple transitioning notes. I am frustrated to the point of saying the lower register is all I am ever going to be able to do with the clarinet. Does anyone have a magic idea or exercise I can do to overcome this Octave Key transition point?

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 Topics Author  Date
 Trouble with Register Transition  new
OTLC 2007-08-29 20:13 
 Re: Trouble with Register Transition  new
tictactux 2007-08-29 20:26 
 Re: Trouble with Register Transition  new
OTLC 2007-08-30 00:56 
 Re: Trouble with Register Transition  new
D 2007-08-29 20:37 
 Re: Trouble with Register Transition  new
Don Berger 2007-08-30 01:22 
 Re: Trouble with Register Transition  new
johng 2007-08-30 01:52 
 Re: Trouble with Register Transition  new
Synonymous Botch 2007-08-30 12:24 
 Re: Trouble with Register Transition  new
Don Berger 2007-08-30 13:46 
 Re: Trouble with Register Transition  new
OTLC 2007-08-30 16:14 
 Re: Trouble with Register Transition  new
rtmyth 2007-08-30 19:57 
 Re: Trouble with Register Transition  new
tictactux 2007-08-30 22:29 
 Re: Trouble with Register Transition  new
Ken Shaw 2007-08-30 16:07 
 Re: Trouble with Register Transition  new
timg 2007-08-31 00:20 
 Re: Trouble with Register Transition  new
Brenda 2007-08-31 03:30 
 Re: Trouble with Register Transition  new
AnnieMatilda 2007-08-31 11:47 
 Re: Trouble with Register Transition  new
OTLC 2007-09-01 02:58 
 Re: Trouble with Register Transition  new
D 2007-09-01 07:22 
 Re: Trouble with Register Transition  new
tictactux 2007-09-01 12:21 
 Re: Trouble with Register Transition  new
Gordon (NZ) 2007-09-02 12:59 

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